Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa do do do……….
Come on China sign the deal
Aga doo doo doo
Yes obama they’re for real
If they sign, will you say
That you did it all your way
Or will you, fly back cheap
Board your humoungus air force one plane
that can only damage the climate even more…(yes I know it doesn’t fit with the aga doo tune but hey)
And come to California with me?!
The lovely hole in the sky
Is the reason why…
We’ve all flown to here
But the reasons unclear…
Aga doo doo doo
Come on Arnie gis a clue
Aga doo doo doo
Have you bitten more than you can chew?
To the left, to the right
Gordon Brown’s hair is a sight
Come on China sign the deal
And we will know you are for real!
Congratulations to Rich Gillet. We know that this is not strictly a caption, but the TZ team voted overwhelmingly for Rich’s witty song as he clearly put a lot of effort into it – and it made us all chuckle! Well done! A bottle of wine is on it’s way to you.
Photo credit: KPA/Zuma/Rex Features
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa do do do..........
Come on China sign the deal
Aga doo doo doo
Yes obama they're for real
If they sign, will you say
That you did it all your way
Or will you, fly back cheap
Board your humoungus air force one plane
that can only damage the climate even more...(yes I know it doesn't fit with the aga doo tune but hey)
And come to California with me?!
The lovely hole in the sky
Is the reason why...
We've all flown to here
But the reasons unclear...
Aga doo doo doo
Come on Arnie gis a clue
Aga doo doo doo
Have you bitten more than you can chew?
To the left, to the right
Gordon Brown's hair is a sight
Come on China sign the deal
And we will know you are for real!
Congratulations to Rich Gillet. We know that this is not strictly a caption, but the TZ team voted overwhelmingly for Rich's witty song as he clearly put a lot of effort into it - and it made us all chuckle! Well done! A bottle of wine is on it's way to you.
Photo credit: KPA/Zuma/Rex Features