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Case studies or working examples needed for a technical report writing course – Best Practice examples


I will shortly be running a report writing course for a group of fairly technical team leaders. I'm looking for relevant reports to use during the course to demonstrate best practice principles as well as badly-prepared reports which the delegates could 're-design' during the course. Does anyone have such a report which they'd be happy to share or could anyone recommend any literature which might help?
Tracy Israel

5 Responses

  1. Report Writing – reply to Tracy Israel
    Tracy – I also run Report Writing workshops for a range of clients, some technical, some not. In my experience, the best examples of both good and bad practice will come from the delegates if you warn them in advance to bring some reports with them (even partially completed ones).

    With a bit of care, you can get them to criticise their own work, and can then use part of the workshop as a practical session for improving it.

    Please get in touch if you want to discuss, or if you want a copy of my short pre-course work assignment that I send with the joining instructions.

  2. Request for pre-course assignment too!
    David, you have started something here. I wouldn’t mind a copy of that pre-course assignment. There is no point re-inventing the wheel, after all. I am having to run some TNA for my department. I have ‘inherited’ an employee who does not have the necessary skills for this dept and I need to get a bench mark before I offer him training. Your assignment will go a long way in that process. Any chance of a copy?
    Isabel Edwards

  3. Pre course assignment required
    David – I’d be very grateful if you could e-mail me a copy of the pre-course assignment. My details are If you prefer, you could fax it through to me on 0207 255 7171.

    Thanks very much for your help.

  4. Information for Report Writing
    I am also delivering some courses to technical staff on writing effective reports. I would be grateful if you could send me any course material including good/bad reports.
