I will be interviewing next week for a Senior Training Managers Position with a large company. Part of my interview process is to perform a case study with a large group of Managers. Can anyone point me to reference materials to help me prepare, or am I in way over my head?
T. Schnell Blanton

One Response
experience devising case studes, assessment
I do not know of any reference books on this matter however I have experience devising assessment centres for selection purposes for senior managers and board appointments. If you would like to phone me to discuss your needs I may have some of my original work which I could mail you for adpatation to your organisation’s issues when selecting staff.
I suggest you start with the competencies you are wishing to test for and then devise your case study around this.
I can be contacted on 0114 2340129
e mail: mlockwoode@freenet.co.uk
Michele Lockwood-Edwards