This Centre at Sheffield University is now advertising an MEd in Networked Collaborative Learning.
The Centre describes itself:-
“Networked learning is an umbrella term used to describe learning that occurs over electronic networks eg across the Internet; across local area networks; across public data and telephone networks. There is a phenomenal move towards networked learning in universities and institutions of higher education, and much discussion of the “virtual” university. Networked learning models and methods offer new opportunities for campus-based and distance learning-based course provision. The EU has recognised the strategic importance of networked learning ( or telematics learning ), and is currently funding several Programmes in this area. Members of the Centre are already beneficiaries of some of these funds.
Research into the the potential of networked learning is now a rapidly emerging new and important field. Other Universities are recognising the research potential in this area and have already set-up similar research centres to the one proposed here. The Centre for the Study of Networked Learning has been established as the focus in the University of Sheffield for research and development work in this area, enabling staff who are already working in this field to benefit from belonging to a community of like-minded researchers. Our current research spans UG/PG levels; the design of networked learning environments; open and distance learning; research into LEARNING; research into NETWORKS; networked learning for SME’s.
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The Centre describes itself:-
"Networked learning is an umbrella term used to describe learning that occurs over electronic networks eg across the Internet; across local area networks; across public data and telephone networks. There is a phenomenal move towards networked learning in universities and institutions of higher education, and much discussion of the "virtual" university. Networked learning models and methods offer new opportunities for campus-based and distance learning-based course provision. The EU has recognised the strategic importance of networked learning ( or telematics learning ), and is currently funding several Programmes in this area. Members of the Centre are already beneficiaries of some of these funds.
Research into the the potential of networked learning is now a rapidly emerging new and important field. Other Universities are recognising the research potential in this area and have already set-up similar research centres to the one proposed here. The Centre for the Study of Networked Learning has been established as the focus in the University of Sheffield for research and development work in this area, enabling staff who are already working in this field to benefit from belonging to a community of like-minded researchers. Our current research spans UG/PG levels; the design of networked learning environments; open and distance learning; research into LEARNING; research into NETWORKS; networked learning for SME's.
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