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CIPD Cert in Training Practice versus TAP


Am increasingly finding employers who are asking for TAP qualifications and confusing TAP with CIPD CTP qualification and refusing equivalent qualifications.
Is TAP winning the marketing game or are employers simply confused?

I always thought TAP was mostly IT related jobs. Have they muddied the water for generalist trainers?
Juliet LeFevre

One Response

  1. Training qualifications
    I think the picture is more complex than this. As well as CIPD and TAP there is IITT and ITOL, and others. As in many fields it is a competing market and aspirant training professionals need to shop around for what they think is best for them. The CIPD CTP is the biggest and best known – and our own research suggest is the most asked for in job ads. However, most sensible employers will consider a suitable alternative qualification rather than fixating one just one.
    For a good list of the most common quals at different levels see – useful if you are considering taking one or if you are recruiting trainers.