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Coaching Courses


Can anyone recommend Coaching courses. I am looking delivering coaching in house and would like to particpate in a course perhaps one using elements of NLP. I would prefer in the Scotland area, however willing to travel (if not too far).


Anne Marie
Anne Marie O'Grady

3 Responses

  1. Person to contact
    Joyce Bunton
    Lifelinks Personal & Executive Coaching
    1/1, 16 Lang Street
    Paisley PA1 1PG
    0141 840 2309

    Joyce also co-ordinates Noble Manhattan coach training in Scotland

    I also have written an e-book, Choosing the Coaurse That’s Right for You, 5.00GBP that takes you through a variety of courses and means of findng the best match for you. Drop me an e-mail if you would like to purchase a copy.

    All the best


  2. Coaching Courses
    Anne Marie,

    Why not take a look at Trainer Base ( – I’m sure that you could find a great many providers there that you could make an excellent choice of designer/deliver from.


  3. where to find coach trainers
    Dear Marie
    There is a national database of freelance trainers, contact [email protected] – she’s bound to have a Scottish contact for coaching & mentoring. I deliver the diploma in coaching and mentoring level 4 but you’re out of my region unless you have a number of people who want to do it, and I’ll come to you.

    Good luck


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