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Coaching Exercises


To add variety to my coaching session I am seeking some practical classroom based exercises I can use to allow delegates to pracise their newly learned questioning (coaching) skills. Does anyone have any good ideas please?

For example, I currently use this exercise: Divide the group into pairs, one person is the coach the other the coachee. Place an A4 piece of paper at two paces distance from the coachee. The task is for the coachee to be able to throw a £1 coin to land 4 times consecutively on the piece of paper. The coach is to use questioning techniques (only) to help the coachee to succeed. The piece of paper can be moved (but the coach cannot tell the coachee this) and any innovative and creative methods can be used to achieve this goal. After the session the trainer can debrief the power of the questioning technique, how difficult it is not to 'just tell them' your idea of how to succeed, how it encourages the coachee to think for themselves and to be creative and innovative in their search for a solution.

6 Responses

  1. Coaching Exercise


    We did some thing like this in our organization.

    Divide the entire group in to pair of individuals. For example if there are 30 people we make 15 pairs.

    Then the first individual will have to identify three areas of improvement or weakness and ask the other person to give suggestions for improvement. Then the other can play the same role.



  2. Have you tried juggling?

    Hi Christine,

    As an idea you could get them to try and build up some base competence is juggling.

    Over a two day course with 4 x 20 minute sessions around 70% of people can do a basic juggling process

    Typically I get people to work in groups of three : Juggler, Coach and observer/ball fetcher.

    Session 1 : Demo or hand out a document that explains how balls flow in juggling and get them to see their initial competence level.

    Session 2 : 6 minutes each : set a goal and get coached to improve. The observer counts how many "instructions" were given compared to questions and a quick feedback round is done after each person juggles.

    Session 3 : Similar to session 2 but only three commands / ideas given.

    Session 4 : Only questions can be used in the coaching.

    Hope this helps, Andi



  3. Use their own scenarios

    Hi Christine

    You could get them working in pairs and and actually working on an area they would like to develop in themselves. We did this when I did the course for my coaching diploma and it was very effective (and real)


  4. Juggling exercise

    Hi Andi,


    Just to let you know I tried out your juggling idea, and it was a great success. I had an whole senior leadership team dropping balls (if you’ll pardon the phrase) everywhere. They greatly enjoyed it and of course I was able to build coaching skills practise into it as well as a feedback session as well. Thanks for the suggestion.



  5. 3 Coaching Role Plays


    I have a role play exercise to help participants improve their questioning and listening skills.

    Divide the group into 3 and give them 3 rounds of role plays. For each role play have a ‘manager’, an ’employee’ and an ‘observer’

    Employee will come to the manager with an issue which the manager needs to find out more about.

    Role play 1. I cannot get along with Tom/Fiona, you have to do something about this!

    Role play 2. I am nervous about the upcoming presentation to senior managers, I am seeking your help.

    Role play 3. I want to improve how I come across in meetings, can you help

    Run 3 five minute rounds and allow 2 mins of feedback at the end of each round.




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