The OD Network website is running a major event from 1 – 19 November entitled ‘Collaborate ’99 – organisations of the future’.
The introductory blurb states:
“Join hundreds of participants from all over the world for our three week collaborative and interactive exploration of the future of organizations and impacts on the Individual, the Organization and the Global Economy.
Dee Hock, founder of Visa and president and founder of The Chaordic Alliance, frames each week with a video presentation, prepared especially for Collaborate ’99, each week including insights from his just released book, “Birth of the Chaordic Age”. Dee says, “if this group of people alone, if they understood what’s here and really got excited about it, could change the world.”
Art Kleiner’s Week One Keynote will take a new look at the purpose of organizations and how individuals find their place in them. He’ll draw from David Korten’s insistence that corporations are a cancer, from Peter Senge’s ideas about organizational learning, and from his own interviews with “heretics from the numbers culture.” Art Kleiner is a co-author (with Peter Senge et al) and the editorial director for THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE FIELDBOOK, a management best-seller published in 1994, and for THE DANCE OF CHANGE, Doubleday’s lead business book for Spring 1999. His previous book, THE AGE OF HERETICS is a history of the thinkers and practitioners who sparked the modern organizational change movement.
In Week Two, Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps describe the Age of the Networked Organization and how corporations are reinventing themselves to succeed in the new economy. Jessica and Jeffrey have more than twenty years experience as interpreters of the emerging world of virtual organizations. They have co-authored five books, most recently, VIRTUAL TEAMS, which focuses on how companies successfully launch, manage and sustain virtual teams and networked organizations
John Adams will challenge us in Week Three to consider Thinking Today as if Tomorrow Mattered: The Rise of a Sustainable Consciousness. Says Adams, “Our challenge is first to become more conscious of how we are presently thinking about those things that really matter to us, and then to be aware of any changes in our mindsets which we conclude would be appropriate.” His widely acclaimed books, TRANSFORMING WORK and TRANSFORMING LEADERSHIP, were the first to define organizational transformation and to encourage the creation of visions to guide business in today’s complex marketplace.”
To participate, you need to register and pay a fee of around $400 – which is much cheaper than actually going to a conference in the States!
The introductory blurb states:
"Join hundreds of participants from all over the world for our three week collaborative and interactive exploration of the future of organizations and impacts on the Individual, the Organization and the Global Economy.
Dee Hock, founder of Visa and president and founder of The Chaordic Alliance, frames each week with a video presentation, prepared especially for Collaborate '99, each week including insights from his just released book, "Birth of the Chaordic Age". Dee says, "if this group of people alone, if they understood what's here and really got excited about it, could change the world."
Art Kleiner's Week One Keynote will take a new look at the purpose of organizations and how individuals find their place in them. He'll draw from David Korten's insistence that corporations are a cancer, from Peter Senge's ideas about organizational learning, and from his own interviews with "heretics from the numbers culture." Art Kleiner is a co-author (with Peter Senge et al) and the editorial director for THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE FIELDBOOK, a management best-seller published in 1994, and for THE DANCE OF CHANGE, Doubleday's lead business book for Spring 1999. His previous book, THE AGE OF HERETICS is a history of the thinkers and practitioners who sparked the modern organizational change movement.
In Week Two, Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps describe the Age of the Networked Organization and how corporations are reinventing themselves to succeed in the new economy. Jessica and Jeffrey have more than twenty years experience as interpreters of the emerging world of virtual organizations. They have co-authored five books, most recently, VIRTUAL TEAMS, which focuses on how companies successfully launch, manage and sustain virtual teams and networked organizations
John Adams will challenge us in Week Three to consider Thinking Today as if Tomorrow Mattered: The Rise of a Sustainable Consciousness. Says Adams, "Our challenge is first to become more conscious of how we are presently thinking about those things that really matter to us, and then to be aware of any changes in our mindsets which we conclude would be appropriate." His widely acclaimed books, TRANSFORMING WORK and TRANSFORMING LEADERSHIP, were the first to define organizational transformation and to encourage the creation of visions to guide business in today's complex marketplace."
To participate, you need to register and pay a fee of around $400 - which is much cheaper than actually going to a conference in the States!