Some time ago I remember using a trainig activity for team building that involved allocating different colours to different types of people. I cannot recal what it is but want to use it agian. Can anybody tell me where I can buy a copy again.
Anne Baldwin

2 Responses
Quite a few different ones..!
There are several different products taking this approach, SOME examples are:
-Insights Training And Development
However to use some of these team profiling systems you will be required go through a process of accreditation to be able to use them.
March’s theme on TrainingZONE is on Developing Teams, so you can expect more on this subject over the coming weeks.
As ever use the search box at the top right of the page to research previous articles, interviews, product information and Any Answers questions.
True colours
A few years ago our management team went through a half day exercise which identified what “colour” the person was based on their answers to a number of statements. There are 4 colours available (gold, green, orange and blue). I don’t know if this is what you are looking for but if you are you can try the Canadian Olympic Centre for Training in Corporate Excellence (, the title is True Colors and is a registered name so I’m sure there are other organizations using it.
Good Luck,