Hi All
First time post here.I have a question re: the sharing of Youtube etc as part of a training program.
I am not a legal expert but if we have vidoe links within our training programs for youtube which we display in a class, does this breach any copyright? Or is it down to the nature of content – for example if a small part of a film that is not uploaded by the "owner" then it is an issue?
Hi All
First time post here.I have a question re: the sharing of Youtube etc as part of a training program.
I am not a legal expert but if we have vidoe links within our training programs for youtube which we display in a class, does this breach any copyright? Or is it down to the nature of content - for example if a small part of a film that is not uploaded by the "owner" then it is an issue?
6 Responses
That’s a tricky one. On the
That’s a tricky one. On the one hand you would require a license to show any copyrighted material to a public audience I believe. On the other – I’m sure there are people streaming videos from YouTube in training classes right now!
If the links are going to form part of your course and you are linking to them from your own literature then I’d seek further advice just to be sure.
I’d also stay away from any content that you believe to have been uploaded without the permission of the creator (film and TV clips etc) – not least because if you include links to this and they are taken down (likely) then you’ve got a load of admin and additional resources to find!
This is still a bit of a grey
This is still a bit of a grey area, but in practice, here is the latest thinking in this area.
Streaming a YouTube video clip live in a classroom session should be OK. It’s thought that it’s the person who uploaded the video in the first place that needs to be mindful of copyright law, but that merely viewing something that is there should be OK, particularly if it’s done in an educational context (which is often an exemption in some jurisdictions).
Downloading the clip first and possibly embedding it into an e-learning module, or just sending the video file to people is less clear-cut and I’d advise not doing that, though if your software allows you to embed a live feed to a YouTube video, then that might be an OK alternative. I have also been prepared to use clips that have been in the public domain for some time and are known to be in popular use.
Of course, there is a way to protect yourself and that’s to ask the creator of the video for permission to use their material in your training. I was always advised to do this regardless, or at least to be seen to reach out to the owner, even if they then didn’t reply.
I would say that I’d be very careful about using any footage from films or TV, unless you are streaming these from the film or TV company’s website or via a licensed service such as NetFlix. Getting permission to use extracts can be very expensive and the studios/TV companies protect their content aggressively.
Pretty similar thoughts to
Pretty similar thoughts to others if the person who created/owns the video has uploaded you should be ok to show it. One word of warning though is that they could take it off too so if you are relying on it you may want to contact the owners direct for permission to download it, (I’ve done that very thing recently).
If someone has uploaded a copyrighted film/tv show etc they possibly don’t have permission to do so and so that’s on shaky ground. It’s hosted by youtube and they are making it public so it’s their responsibility to police this. What usually happens is that a complaint is made to youtube and they take it down.
In short, if it’s something that someone has created/uploaded and they have decided to put it in the public domain you should be ok.
From Chris in our LinkedIn
From Chris in our LinkedIn group:
“I’ll keep it short…if I am running a course and there is a good book, journal article or website worth visiting I will suggest the learners go and look at it. I’d suggest you do the same with You tube.”
As a producer YouTube is
As a producer YouTube is incredibly useful to distribute training films that you want to share. It’s not altruistic because people see your work e.g. a mental health video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiXUf58I0EU & safety film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzadIyKspc4.
If the upload isn’t by the producer I would always ask the producer.
From Mary in our LinkedIn
From Mary in our LinkedIn group:
“If you want it to be a feature inside an elearning module – you have to contact the author(s) and ask for permission. In Australia, there is a copyright agency whereby authors become members and take payment of their works used by others… You can feature 10% of articles & books during training and clearly reference them – it’s also fine.”