I am getting involved in putting together a competency framework of technical and behavioural competencies for a large L&D team. Has anyone produced anything like this before and are willing to share? I am looking to identify core competencies for this area.
Sue Nunan
Sue Nunan
3 Responses
Experience in Compentency Frameworks
I’m a lead consultant for a performance management consultancy with a range of experience in designing embedding competency frameworks. Happy for you to contact me if you wish to discuss.
why not get the team to create their own
Hi Sue
I know it seems like re-inventing the wheel (which you want to avoid since you have posted the question!) but could you get the team together and have a brainstorm to develop your own, in-house, branded, made-to-measure competencies. Then the team would then have ownership of it so when time came to use it in earnest; (development planning, promotion decisions, recruitment, appraisal, secondment etc) it would be more meaningful to them.
You could produce a simple blank framework and some words on the intentions/values and use this as a bit of pre-work. Then you could have a day or half day to fill in the boxes (if you can’t get the time try doing it in stages in one hour slots).
The activity would act as a teambuilder for the team.
It also saves you having to pay a consultant like me to do it for you!
I hope this helps
Or you could use the competencies from the International Board for Training Performance and Instruction – http://www.ibstpi.org. There is a book that you can order which provides the performance standards for each of the competencies.