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Confidentiality Briefing


I am delivering a briefing session on the importnace of confidentiality this week, (likely to last about 2 hours).

The 'audience' are a group of parents and , (in that context), I don't have that much to say about it. Can anyone kindly give me some tips or suggest some activities, I have used a 'Chinese Whispers' exercise in the past but some of the group don't have strong verbal skills in English and I don't want to high-light that issue)

many thanks

3 Responses

  1. Confidentiality

    As a suggestion, you could focus on some high profile courses cases that have been in the media, which perhaps everyone could relate to, discussing any examples of what has happened when confidentiality is breached and then link it to whatever you’re discussing – i.e. the basic principles of keeping confidences apply in both types of situation.

    Just a thought!


  2. confidentiality
    I guess it’s important to know first of all where exactly confidentiality would be important to your group of parents. Is it about them keeping confidentiality, or about the people they talk to keeping it?

    My take on it would be to spend a short time helping people discuss exactly what confidentiality means to them. Then to help them imagine mini-scenarios where it’s important in their view. After that I’ve generally used difficult examples like

    • someone tells you “in confidence” that they’ve committed a crime
    • someone talks to you about wanting to end their life
    • you need to tell the doctor something about yourself that you don’t want put on record

      The examples would depend on the audience – these are just ones I’ve used.
      Then I would bring it together by asking them to tell each other why confidentiality matters and where you can insist on it.

  3. Confidentiality
    If your talk is anything to do with parents volunteering in a classroom, I would illustrate the point that it is breaking confidentiality to be complimentary to another parent about something her/his child did well in class. Volunteer parents often think that if they are saying something good about a child’s performance it isn’t confidential but obviously this leads to other parents wondering what the volunteer could be saying about others in the class.