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Conflict Management for customer services


Does anyone have any ideas for games and/or exercises for this type of workshop? Or know of any good websites where I can access information on topics to include, free information if possible (this is the public sector!!)


5 Responses

  1. Conflict Management
    Hi ‘lg’

    If you contact me directly I would be happy to share my own workshop delegate notes with you? Website is below the signature.

    Alternatively you could look at the wide range of resources on Trainerbase, website below, you should be able to find loads and loads on there. If not just ask in a forum, were a friendly bunch!

    Happy hunting!

    Andrew Miller

  2. thanks
    Thanks Andrew, looking at my question it seems quite abrupt, I must have missed the start of my text off!

    Thanks for the offer of sharing your ideas, I will email you direct.


  3. reply
    A colleague of mine delivers this programme, and uses a number of role-play situations to simulate conflict. Also uses clip from YouTube to illustrate conflict and ask delegates to break it down and analyse (same can be done with clips from soaps/TV?)
    Has also used X-box games and board games (Battleships as an example) to generate discussion.

  4. Techniques
    Hi Lg

    I would suggest using the techniques below in your workshop, google them and you come up with a wealth of info: you can use

    – DESC Scripting

    – Fogging Technique

    Both fantastic ways to diffuse anger and manage aggressive behaviour

    Kindest regards