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Contents for a Learning & Development Web


Our Learning and Development Web only published training calendar and couse information of our internal training programs. I'd like to update it and make it a source for providing knowledge in enhancing work effectiveness and training and development information for employees.

In the contents, I propose to put in training calendar, policy, course information, useful links that help people do their jobs better, discussion board for people to exchange information and voice out comments and suggestions regarding training, as well as posting up some articles in areas of work skills, stress handling etc.

Other than these, what else could I put on? Could any one be nice to share with me what you put onto your web?

Alice Ma

4 Responses

  1. a couple of suggestions
    I was involved in a project conducting research for development of a Training & Development Intranet & there were 2 things that came out of it that we actively worked on.

    The first was that in order to avoid user apathy, the site has to continually evolve and be updated, (our information showed that most sites were launched with enthusiasm but soon became very bland due to not being updated regularly enough). What we did to avoid this is to take photos of all of our learning events & post them along with a review of each of the events by one of the learners that attended, (this really was a hit because it was a different approach at the time).

    The other thing was, (& it has been mentioned elsewhere on this site) is that web-based material is often designed without thought to disabled users and I would strongly advise you to get input to ensure that the site is inclusive for all users.

    Good luck.


  2. learning intranet items
    It looks as though you’ve covered enerything, especially if you include Clive’s remarks.

    I have some materials about “preparing for your appraisal” and “planning your learning and development” that might possibly be useful. Let me know

  3. offer of an article
    I would be prepared to donate one or two free articles on the subject of self-esteem (and how to raise your own level) to maximise career/life success. If you are interested, please get in touch. I think people will log on if they feel that they will find something really useful and relevant to them as an individual.
    All the best

  4. Learning and Development Web
    Hi Alice

    Sounds like you have already got some great ideas to move this forward.

    One further item you may wish to consider is come pre course downloads e.g. we use a learning contract for each event to capture pre and post course planning /evaultion

    I have just introduced a tailored development resource in partnership with the Ashridge Business School – together we have tailored a portal which maps online learning tools, available through the business school, against our value and behaviours. I am pleased to say that the response from staff within its first month of launch has been very positive. If you would like more information on this – please let me know.

    In regards to Clives comments, I completely agree – having seen good and bad examples of intranet based tools – the key thing is to keep traffic high through topical and interesting this end in my last company we included pictures and URL links to news of the day stories- (major headline, sports headline and ‘dog on skateboard’ type story) – our clever colleagues in the IT department also moved this on to include some other general interest stuff ranging from a trivial pursuit style game (taking staff 30 seconds a week to complete) complete with league tables of current placings (great for office banter) through to an e-bay style site for staff to sell items to each other etc etc…yes a bit light and fluffy – but the user rate and hit rates of ‘work’ focused pages – increased significently through the higher levels of traffic.

    Good luck!