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Seb Anthony

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Could anyone kindly point me in the right direction?


I currently work in a large call centre as an MI Analyst and am applying for a Trainer job within the same company. It's going to involve training new/existing employees on the many systems we have within the company. It's different to my job now, but is something I really want to do and know I am quite capable of. I have trained every person that has come onto my own team in the last 3 years. I have been given an outline of the Training Cycle. I am currently matching up my own training methods used within my team, with that of the Cycle, to try to demonstrate my ability to the training department. I am looking for any advice that anyone could give or point me in the location of any material to help me to better understand training processes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Nick Jones

3 Responses

  1. Training
    Hi Nick

    Best of luck with this, there is plenty of great (free!) resources at, things like VAK, emotional intelligence, learning syles NLP etc.

    Look up TNA and evaluation as these usually get neglected. And Training plans to give you the wider view perspective. I’ve found the articles on this excellent site have been helpful to me in designing frameworks so it maybe worth clicking on the “more” button on the “news” and “any answers”

    Some advice though would be not to get too bogged down in impressing anyone with training processes, impress them with your delivery style!

    I’ve worked with trainers in the past who talked a very good game when it came to the aforementioned subjects, but never really done much training. By all means its essential that you look this sort of information up, just don’t lose sight that a full time trainers job is in the “doing” moreso than the “thinking about doing”

    …Or maybe thats just me!

    …Maybe I should slow down!

    Merry Christmas and good luck for getting the job


  2. advice

    If you have trained people in your department for the past 3 years (this is how I started) it should not be an issue!! analyse what is you do, ask the people for feedback about your training for them and let them be honest. Then check that against the job description , you’ll be surprised at how much you already do!!!

    Good luck

  3. Advice Points for Consideration

    I’ve recruited many trainers for Call Centre’s during the last 15 years and in response to your request for advice, I offer the following points for your consideration:

    1. Internal Candidate
    As an internal candidate you need to be aware of the potential, or actual, impression the training department/manager currently has of you – what concerns if any will be predominant and how you expect to counter or respond to these.

    2. Change in Role
    Be prepared to explain in detail how you intend to develop to meet the challenges of a new role as a Trainer?

    3. Flexible Delivery
    When recruiting trainers, for whatever speciality, I would seek to employ someone who can demonstrate flexibility in their approach to facilitate the learning of a wide variety of people who will have differing learning styles and preferences. If you can further recognise how your own learning preferences may impact on the way you prefer to train – this would be an added advantage.

    I would be seeking to gain insight into your perception of the learning cycle – not a repetition of the various textbook theories, but your actual observations from the training/coaching you have previously delivered.

    4. Delivering to Clear Objectives
    Additionally, I seek people who recognise the need to effectively clarify what the objectives and outcomes of a training session – from both the Trainer and Learner’s perspective – and deliver training/coaching to these requirements.

    5. Subject Specialist
    As an in-house technical specialist I would also be keen to establish how you are able to simplify the level and depth of knowledge you have about the systems.

    The danger of deploying a person with ‘specialist’ knowledge to deliver training is that they can blind their delegates with their depth of knowledge leading to confusion and in extreme cases, ‘panic’!

    6. Delivering Group Training
    If the training role will involve delivering/facilitating group training sessions – I would need to be confident you can demonstrate the basics in presentation skills – by being able to present complex information in a clear & concise manner. Additionally this will require you to present yourself in a confident way that impacts upon your audience to respond by actively listening and respecting your input.

    7.Further Points of Reference
    Of materials to look at in preparation for your application – I would agree with Rich Lucas’s advice and point you in the direction developing your understanding of TNA & Evaluation. For a basic view of TNA – check out:

    Also, if you’ve not looked at learning styles previously, do a search on Honey and Mumford.

    If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me direct.

    Good luck
