I am running a communication skills workshop, and want to use the Learn to count to 10 in Japanese exercise as a post lunch energiser.I was sure I had a copy, but can't find it anywhere. Does anyone have a copy of it, complete with a movements guide that they could let me have?
Matt Brown

2 Responses
Itchy knee?
Not sure if this is what you need, but it looks like fun!http://www.allsands.com/Literature/countingjapanes_rku_gn.htm
This is quite useful background http://www.nctm.org/dialogues/2001-11/20011103.htm.
Hope this helps
Sound Action Jap eng
Itchy Scratch ichi one
Knee your knee ni two
Sun point to san three
she point to shi four
Go wlk two go five
rock Rock and roll roco Six
Shi-chi Double shichi seven
Hat-chi Pull hat hachi eight
Coo coo like a kyu nine
ju imagine a ju ten
jewish cap