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course fee rebate


A student who recently attended one of my training courses, mentioned that, it is possible for his company to claim back 40% of the course costs. Is this true? If so, how?
(his firm is based in the sheffield area).

Patrick martin

2 Responses

  1. ESF
    I know in the past there has been the opportunity for engineering companies in some parts of the country to get rebates of up to 40% of some types of training costs via the European Social Fund. This scheme was administered through SEMTA, the Sector Skills Council for science, engineering and manufacturing technologies.

    This may be a similar thing. For details of the current availability of training grants (especially for SMEs) in the engineering sector, you can call SEMTA’s operations team on 01642 560355. their assistance is free.


  2. Funding
    You may be able to claim 40% for future courses, but unfortunatley, you can’t claim it retrospectively. The funding is called Invest in Skills and can only be claimed by approved training providers (so shop around) you can get more details from your local learning and skills council and Sheffield Chamber of Commerce offer this facility (I noticed you were from the Sheffield area) You can telephone Lisa Hamhand on 0114 2018941