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Steve Robson

Marine Industry

Learning and Development Consultant

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Do you deliver or design technical training? Where do you go for new ideas?

I'm looking for some CPD recommendations. Real events rather than on line if possible. I used to attend trainers group meetings and go to seminars almost every month but these seem to have all dried up lately.

Particularly looking for technical trainers groups, workshops, courses...all ideas welcome.



4 Responses

  1. Looks Good

    Thanks for that…looks good and in the Lakes which makes it even more attactive. Think it could be a bit "far out" to put on expenses though.

    Anyone on here from Oil and Gas, Nuclear, Energy, Defence Industries? Please PM me.

  2. CPD

    Should I be concerned that 220 readers of this post don't seem to participate in any CPD?



    If your a CIPD Member this LinkedIn Group might be of interest?
    Group: CIPD member
    Subject: CIPD Member LinkedIn Group UPDATE – Do not miss out!
    *** Webinars *** our Branch Events
    Following on from our first successful “Ready State” webinar with Dr Paul Howard-Jones in January on Neuroscience and the myths in learning, here is the remainder of the series as promised. 
    There is no cost to attend
    Dates for your diaries:
    Mon 25 Feb 1100 
    Thurs 14 March 1100 
    Thurs 28 March 1300 
    This series is based on a project that CIPD adviser John McGurk has been working on called Ready State
    25 Feb 2013 11am
    *** Unpacking Intuition – Professor Eugene Sadler-Smith – University of Surrey
    How can a fire chief know what do so with a fire before he has properly assessed it? How did an air traffic controller avoid a near certain collision? How do we just know whether someone likes us or not? What is ‘gut feeling’ & how can it be harnessed? 
    To what extent should business decisions be informed by ‘instincts’ which may seem irrational or impossible to quantify? 
    What is insight? How do we know when we have it; how can we get more of it & help others to develop it. How is insight linked to ideation & innovation? 
    Both intuition and insight are major thinking process and skills with a wide application to learning & development in this the second of our Ready State L&TD Webinars
    Professor Eugene Sadler-Smith of the University of Surrey a recognised expert researcher & teacher in both areas & will share his thought leadership on these key issues
    This interactive webinar will help you examine & probe your understanding of these two key behaviours & integrate and understanding of them into your practice
    14 March 2013 11am
    *** Cognition, decisions & behaviour. – Dr Adrian Banks – University of Surrey
    Why do people make bad decisions? Why do they take unnecessary risks? What does it mean to be biased? What is willpower & how do we make & break habits? 
    Dr Adrian Banks has been researching cognitive psychology in the area of reasoning, decision making and bias for many years. He also researches how teams effectively share knowledge & how we operate in the face of uncertainty
    As well as discussing some of the key areas around memory & how learning issues like the 10,000 hour/deep practice rule work
    Find out how to apply these theories to the workplace
    This webinar will help to sharpen your skills in understanding these key issues in the psychology of learning
    28 March 2013 1pm
    *** New Social Science Insight for learning – Dr John McGurk – CIPD
    L&TD has relied for most of its development on insights from psychology & management theory. Many of these have served it well but a new fund of insights which can help drive learning is developing from diverse fields of social science. 
    Join CIPD’s L&TD Adviser Dr John McGurk as he integrates these new & exciting aspects of learning to conclude our Ready State Webinar series.
    ***You will have the opportunity of asking the speaker questions
    Each webinar session will be led by Mike Morrison & the Q&A of the event will be in the safe hands of Martin Couzins, Editor of learnpatch 
    To see the recordings of selected previous webinars go to 
    The webinars are run in association with Citrix GoToMeeting
    For those of you interested in more L&D/ OD / leadership development/ Talent development, we are approaching the annual HRD event – 
    Remember if you cannot make the paid conference, there are always excellent free seminars in the exhibition area, plus a great excuse to network. See you there?
    Mike Morrison
Author Profile Picture
Steve Robson

Learning and Development Consultant

Read more from Steve Robson