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Creating a Management Development Programme


As part of the role of T & D Manager, I've been tasked with the creation and production of a modular development programmes for our cinema Managers and Team Leaders.

I would like to hear from other trainers and developers who have written programmes themselves and how they went about it and how it was structured. I'd also like to know how successful they've been, what accountability did line managers have for ensuring the programme happened back in store and so on.

I don't have any money to spend (which trainers ever do?!), so any training companies/consultancies would have to impart any knowledge free of charge!
Joanne House

9 Responses

  1. Training Modules
    I cant help feeling that you are somewhat out of your depth. This is a KRA for any management trainer let alone a T&D Manager.
    If you have no materials or budget negotiate for one or your task will be unachievable.
    Remember copyright infringement makes your request difficult to say the least.

  2. Development Modules for New Managers

    Different levels of managers need different types of development programmes. When individuals are new to management, ‘telling them three things they need to know to get them through the day’ can be of tremendous benefit but trying this approach on senior executives is bound to give you a very rough ride in deed.

    I am assuming that your need is a development programme for new managers because when it comes to the ‘Basics of Management’, the modular approach can be very flexible (meeting different requirements for different customers) and can be put togther very quickly indeed – providing the modules are already available.

    I have developed several management development programmes and, if you are interested, you can find a copy of the Course Map for one of these at:

    Please e-mail me if you would like to have further discussions about this.

  3. Creating a management development programme
    Hi Joanne, some free advice from a former training manager (now a consultant who’s somtimes paid!)

    Firstly, jobs like this can turn out to be a poison chalice if you have not been given any resources. I assume that you will be given the time to develop the materials and deliver the training effectively? If you don’t have the cash and don’t have enough time you are likely to deliver a poor product and upset your consumers – this will be reported to the line management structure and your credibility will go down – avoid this like the plague.

    You need to start by being clear in your own mind what the product is that you are trying to deliver and what the specific needs of the target audience are. Conduct a training needs analysis and involve your potential audience so that they have a stake in the final course design.

    Make sure you check the course design with whoever has asked you to do this work and ensure that they are happy with the content and approach. If they say no, identify why and then bid for resources as another respondent suggested. If they say yes, get them to input as guest speaker on one or more of the sessions so that they have a stake in the course too.

    Depending upon the numbers involved (whether you need to do several courses) make sure that there is good seperation between the first course and the rest so that you can test out the model with the guinea pigs. Explain to them that it is the first course and you welcome feedback. Use this experience to refine the approach. In terms of materials to get you going if you are an IPD member access the resources on the IPD website or check out Fenman’s website for a few free samples. If you can afford a Fenman’s package I’d recommend that you get one. I’ve found them invaluable in the past and once you’ve bought the package you can copy the materials as needed.

    If you want to contact me to follow these ideas up I’m on

    Good luck.

  4. Assistance offered FREE
    I have recently taken on a similar challenge as yourself and Jo have. I have no budget or resources either but would love to have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and resources. E-Mail me at if you would be interested

  5. Charades
    I am appalled at some of the responses on this subject.
    If this is the calibre of so called professionals then the future looks grim. Especially for those of us who are not only experienced and qualified but who constantly measure evaluate and prove the benefits of T&D
    to our company directorates.

  6. Creating a management Development programme

    I use to work in the Health Sevrice and all too often was presented with the challenge of developing a resource from scratch. I fully appreciate your position.

    Feel free to email me at and we can either chat on the phone or via email.



  7. Management development courses, and gaining qualifications
    Rather than inventing the wheel again (as I seem to!) why not look at an existing programme. The NEBS Management courses have a structure and contain a programme written in learning outcomes. They are also modular, and are supported by open learning books, and by one good textbook. There is also progression from training and assessment at level 2 through to level 4 if you need to measure against an NVQ. The other benefit is that because they have a qualification outcome they attract funding from the FE Funding Council and there may be a College in your area that can help. If the College is any good, they should be able to deliver the course against your specific industry needs. Mail me if you want a sylabus for the level 3 course which you can have on-line, or I can mail you the other stuff which is copied. Try 07770 868504 if you want to chat. Good luck!

  8. Welcome to discuss options
    Before moving into generalist HR, I was in management training and development for a number of years and continue to get involved in training and development on a “needs must” basis. I sympathise with your challenge when you have little or no budget. If you want to spend some time looking at course/materials development, feel free to contact me