We have developed an accredited course which has a 30 question multiple choice exam at the end. We have set up 4 individual question papers from this bank but would like to add more questions to the bank and have a paper randomly generated each time. Does anyone know of a programme that can do this for us?

4 Responses
Hi Sue, by programme, do you
Hi Sue, by programme, do you mean a tool or do you want to code your own bespoke solution? If you just mean a tool, have you tried Survey Monkey?
Hi Clive
Hi Clive
We currently have a bank of over 150 questions and we have 4 set exam papers. Some of the questions have been written but are not used at the moment. So that the question papers are more random, we want something that will allow us to basically generate an exam paper from the bank of questions so that each time we do it, it is a unique paper. They are then printed off so Survey Monkey wouldn’t really work (I think?)
I’d recommend speaking to
I’d recommend speaking to Elephants Don’t Forget – Georgia@elephantsdontforget.com
They have the system to generate randomised questions for Apps so might be able to come up with a solution for you.
Thank you Blake.
Thank you Blake.
Sue, Blake is correct we do have a cloud hosted application that could take your question bank and produce randomly generated questions for each individual. Please do get in touch and I will give you more information georgia@elephantsdontforget.com