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Lerone Graham

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Creating Marketing Savvy Brand Ambassadors


When you need your company to thrive, it's important that you master branding. The best way to do this is by building a quality marketing foundation by training your employees to be brand ambassadors. By teaching your professionals how to conduct themselves in this way, they'll help your company grow its profile as a whole, and will also carve out a niche that will serve them for the rest of their career. 

But how do you teach professionals how to get the most out of their branding and marketing?

There are a lot of strategies you can use to make this happen. In this regard, use the points below so that both your company and your individual employees are better for it. 

#1: Require Every Employee to Start a Blog

One of the easiest ways you can get a shot in the arm with your marketing while teaching your professionals the ropes is to get them up and running with a blog. Starting a blog will allow your employees to learn how to create their own brand, while acting as an extension of your company as a whole. 

Encourage them to create a theme and schedule for the blog in order to take some ownership and autonomy over it. From here, they can figure out how to create quality content that readers will be glad to take in on a regular basis. Content is everything, so giving them the opportunity to express themselves in this way will offer on the job training on all things  branding related. 

For instance, if you run an IT business, you can prompt your professionals to create a blog that teaches people how to diagnose and take care of issues with their computers. By providing this form of valuable free content, it will get lots of eyes on the brand and create good will with your customer base. 

Today, people that blog will want to begin writing longer form content that is packed with great information. You will want to write posts that are at least 2,000 words in order to get the highest quality traffic and visibility. Make sure that they also use some keywords that will make the blog SEO friendly as well. 

Take an active role in helping your professionals grow their blogs as well. Rather than micromanage, give them a quota to fulfill and let them come up with their own topics and execute accordingly. You should also read through their content and help them make the most out of every single post, until they become familiar with blogging and become experts. Taking this approach will allow them to grow their brand by leaps and bounds. 

#2: Buy Some Top Notch Multimedia Equipment

Storytelling is the most important thing that your employees can be doing in this day and age. 

By giving your employees access to great multimedia equipment, they will be better able to reach the public and tell stories accordingly. Start by purchasing a few good cameras and some sound equipment so that you can vlog and document any happenings within your company. Encourage your employees to take an active role in this multimedia creation so that they learn how to write, shoot, direct and edit quality content. 

The more that you let people get their hands wet creating this sort of content, the more they'll be able to take ownership of the image of the company. This is excellent from a public relations point of view and will teach the importance of messaging. 

Doing this will provide the chance for everyone to see different aspects of the production process. This is the best way to learn marketing through story, and will help your employees build their skillset. Start pricing some equipment so you can get a great deal on whatever you're looking for. Even if you don't have a huge budget you can price some gently used or refurbished DSLR cameras and lapel mics, which is more than enough to get started. 

Be sure that you have some computers that are well-maintained, because this will give you the chance to have some editing stations in order to pump out timely, quality content. Get your hands on some editing software will allow you to create whatever kind of content you need on your own schedule. 

Once your employees have the opportunity to practice with equipment, encourage them to put their own thumbprint on whatever they create. If two employees realize they have a rapport, they may feel inspired to create a podcast which can drive even more traffic to your company. 

The sky is the limit, so do everything you can to buy equipment and set up workstations that allow everyone to create. 

#3: Learn and Practice the Most Favorable Forms of Marketing

There are a variety of steps you can take to teach your employees the nuts and bolts of marketing. It's important that you stay abreast of the most important forms of marketing. First and foremost, a well-produced website is the best form of marketing to have. 

By teaching quality web and graphic design principles, your site will look great and will be eye-catching. Make sure that your employees learn and use the right keywords, in addition to other forms of search engine optimization. 

By getting the most out of the search engine results box, your site will remain highly visible and will continuously gain traction with your customers. Start to isolate some specialists within your company so that they're able to gain expertise in the most important facets of marketing. By keeping up with your brand building capability through diligent, everyday practices, your employees will start to see all of these steps bear fruit. 

For best results, you should also send your employees to marketing seminars that will allow them to keep their skills up to par. This also gives them the chance to network and remain on the cutting edge of all these practices. 

By using these strategies, your company's brand will improve by leaps and bounds. It's of the utmost importance these days to create brand ambassadors, and the points above will get you started on that track. Consider these tips and don't hesitate to touch base with some pros that can help you out further. 

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