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Creative Thinking


I would be really keen to to have some thoughts and ideas on creative thinking activities to develop my portfolio of options. If you have come across something that is really powerful, amazing and productive - do share it with us. In return, I am happy to offer my GENIUS coaching model paper which covers a useful framework for coaching creative and talented people. The link is Alec Skills Channel TV Creative Trainer and Coach

10 Responses

  1. Creative Thinking
    Hi Peter and thanks for your response. I was already aware of your work and it’s good to see you up there in YouTube land so thanks for that. As an undiscovered rock God myself (all be it barre chords and turned up to 11 t drown out the mistakes), it’s great to see how you use the connections.


  2. Rock is all about simplicity
    HI again,

    Nothing wrong with some good old barre chords and a bit of overdrive to cover up mistakes. Miles Davis reminds us that ‘there are no mistakes’ and Lou Reed said ‘anything nore than 3 chords is jazz’

    Most businesses cannot handle complexity and it is one of the reasons why new products never reach the market place, so another good connection.

    Keep on going to 11!


  3. Creative Process
    Hi Alec

    I’m working on something similar at the moment and you may be interested in these resources:

    The Yin & Yang of Creating:

    You may already know of Mark from Wishful Thinking, another creative coach like ourselves. He’s got some great resources on (motivating creatives etc) and on Lateral Action (Creativity + Productivity = Success mantra):

    NESTA has articles relating to creative process, entrepreneurship & start-up (some great videos etc):

    Art Design Media HE Academy projects info talks a lot about creative process (often within HE but relevant outwith):

    Happy to chat more via if you want to!

    Thanks, Marie

  4. David Bowie on Creativity
    If you enjoyed that You Tube video, you may like this slightly bizarre amateur attempt at reframing the lyrics from Bowie’s classic ‘Ziggy Stardust’:

    On a more serious note, Bowie pioneered brainwriting in the method he used for cutting up lyrics from newspapers. This probably explains the line ‘jamming good with wierd and gilly, the spiders from mars’!! 🙂

    And purely for fun, the master of rock parody and creativity John Otway – performing at an aftershow of a career development conference at Pfizer. Otway is a master of upside down thinking (known as ‘reversal’ in creative thinking terms):

    And Tim Smit, CEO of the Eden Project on music and leadership – a very wise point or three are made about requisite diversity in this video I made for the Institute of Directors:

  5. Creative Thinking Tools
    Hi Alec,

    I use these 3 techniques outlined below frequently in Creative Brainstorming sessions and I find them really effective and useful in enabling people to come up with fresh insights, new ideas and possibly untapped solutions to problems/challenges.

    1. Ask the participants if they could swap places with anyone in the world who would that be? Then, as that person, how would they approach this task; what would they do about solving this problem? e.g. How would Barack Obama face that particular task?

    2. Wishful Thinking: Invite participants to dream up their ideal solution if the usual practical parameters and conventions didn’t apply. Ask them to imagine having unlimited power/resources and what would they do then with this particular problem. Each idea must begin with “I wish” (

    3. Identify (and transform) limiting assumptions : Ask participants to identify what assumptions they have about the problem; these assumptions are frequently based on the past and how things have always been done here. Being aware of these assumptions is a great first step, then reverse the assumptions to generate fresh thinking.

    For an overview of how I facilitate Creative Brainstorming sessions please click on link:


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