I am due to deliver training on change management and have come up with the question " What are the factors which may be considered important when taking a department through crucial organisational change to include the role and skills required of the change leader?"
Does anyone have any ideas on change management i.e. the factors involved and the roll and skills of the change leader? If there are any powerpoint presentations I could use I would be grateful.
Carey Crawford

2 Responses
Read the book ‘Communicating Change’
by Larkin and Larkin. It’s very arresting and might not be what managers want to hear, but it makes total sense and is backed up by tons of references. The three main points it makes are: target supervisors with your change communication, not frontline employees; communicate with them face-to-face (not via newsletter or coroprate video); and communicate only what’s relevant to each department’s local work area. I think the message to managers is that they should see front-line supervisors, not themselves, as ‘change leaders.’ Good luck!
Happy to help…
Hi Carey,
I’m sure I can email some bits and pieces across to you – can you give a little more background, please, eg how was the requirement identified? What level of management is driving the change? How far ahead are their targets for change?
Kind regards,
Colin Hamilton
email: colin@bis-improve.co.uk