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CTP advice!


I have a colleague that is going through a CTP at the moment. As part of this qualification they have to run a 30 minute assessed learning module. The topics that have been given by the company running this CTP are below. (I am not sure if they have been pre-set by CIPD.)

• Humour.
• Equality.
• Trainer Dress.
• Use of actors.
• Disruptive Learners.
• Passive Learners.
• NLP.
• Transactional Analysis.
• Literacy.
• Handouts.
• E learning
• Study Skills.
• Speed Reading.
• Qualifications.
• PowerPoint.
• Colour
• Accelerated learning
• Icebreakers
• Energisers
• Innumeracy
• Questions for use with groups

Now, am I being just a bit too harsh here in my views. I was under the impression that CTP was a basic entry level qualification into the world of L&D, certainly that is the way it is marketed from CIPD. Looking at the list above some of those topics are pretty advanced (TA, NLP, Accelerated Learning, Trainer Dress) whilst others require an in depth knowledge of the subject to be able to deliver (Colour, Equality, PowerPoint, Speed Reading etc). How do you train ‘Humour’ for instance??!!

I would appreciate the forums views on this please!

(If you recognise the list and work for the company involved I would appreciate an off-line conversation, or if you recognise the list and are doing the same course please get in touch off-line)

Thanks in advance Andrew

Andrew Miller

5 Responses

  1. Simple or Complex?
    Hello Andrew

    This is not a list set by the CIPD, so it must be provider specific. From my perspective I think you are being too harsh. I don’t agree that the content of this list is too advanced and I say that because nothing is being defined in the description you have given here about what has to be achieved or undertaken under these headings, I presume that’s for the trainer to decide?

    If you have 30 minutes to cover TA you might just cover something about what an Ego State is and how it impacts on the way we behave. In NLP you might do something basic about Representational Systems. In PowerPoint you might just cover how to change styles or make a simple transition. I don’t think an ‘in depth’ knowledge is required but some research and reading is, which I think should be an essential requirement prior to lesson plan design.

    The strategy I suspect is to have the students do some basic research and then transpose this into a lesson plan rather than take an existing piece of their knowledge and use that. It would add the additional depth of getting people to be able to priorities and analyse their needs identification, a basic but vital requirement at this level.

    You appear to see these topics as ‘advanced’ I just see them as topics, from which you can cull either basic or advanced elements. If you just read the headings and presume they have to do something comprehensive in those areas then 30 minutes isn’t enough. But I would hope and expect that an individual who has completed or nearing completion of their CTP could, if pointed at a complex subject, be able to analyse it, break it down, prioritise and chunk it into some simple delivery elements.

    If the provider (which I am not in this instance) has briefed your colleague in such way that they think they have to undertake some kind of extensive and comprehensive training delivery in 30 minutes perhaps a phone call back to the provider for clarification might be in order?

    Just my thoughts Andrew.

  2. CTP Advice
    Thanks for the response; I can understand your views here. As an added bit of detail I should have included the first time, no context was given – just the list. My colleague has gone back and attempted to clarify the situation and has agreed to do something completely different that they are more comfortable with.


  3. CTP topics for presentation
    I agree entirely with Garry. The list is not provided by CIPD but is a helpful list given by the provider.
    The topics are only easy or difficult depending on what you know about them, or can easily find out.
    What I like about the list is that it includes some issues which may in themselves be useful to learn – for the presenter and the recipients. It also includes some interesting dimensions – from colour to elearning, from handouts to humour – so the individual can select what suits them best. (Incidentally, I don’t think they mean that people teach humour but that humour can be used by a trainer).
    In any event, the content of the presentation is secondary. The assessment will be on the presentation or facilitation skills used – details of which are set down by the CIPD and I am sure have been provided.
    I suspect you and your colleague have been unintentionally hooked by the potential difficulty of this task. I’d suggest taking a fresh look. I think the list is both sensible and helpful.

  4. Look at it as an interesting challenge
    I agree with Garry and Graham – the topics on the list can be as complex as you want to make them.

    I would be more worried if the member of my team who is doing CTP looked to do something she was “more comfortable with”. Surely the point of doing any course is to learn new things and doing some, albeit fairly superficial, research on an unfamiliar topic is much better preparation for life in the real world of learning and development.

    I think Andrew you should be encouraging your staff member to spread their wing and widen their horizons a little!

  5. Get in touch
    Andrew, both you and i know each other so i will be in touch as requested.I am a member of the provider team i would like to thank all for their contributions. Gary and Graham have summed up the purpose of the topic list and the approach we take perfectly.