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Frances Ferguson

Glasstap Ltd

Training Design Manager

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The nights are drawing in, the clocks have gone back; the heating has gone on. Venturing into town the shops are, unsubtly, reminding me that Christmas is just around the corner and with it comes the realisation that we will soon say goodbye to one year and hello to another.

As I ponder on the fact that 2016 is drawing to a close, I find myself feeling a full gamut of emotions. I’m reminded of the hopes and dreams I had at the end of last year; the plans that I was making and the changes that they would bring. Like anyone else who is planning change, I felt a nervous excitement about what it would bring.

I still remember writing down what I wanted to do in 2016 and, when I look back on my list, I have far exceeded my expectations. That makes me very proud indeed.

But, amongst that pride is a genuine sadness because, when reflecting on 2016, I inevitably think about an unexpected curveball that was chucked in my direction a few weeks into it; a curveball that de-railed many of my aspirations...

It was not my choice and it most certainly wasn’t how I wanted things to happen and yet…. And yet I also know that I would not have achieved much of what I have this year without the experience of this most unwelcome of curveballs. Hard as it has been to adapt to this change, I know that it has reminded me of a very valuable lesson too. 

What is that lesson? 

Change happens! Change happens because we want it to, change happens because it needs to and, let’s face it, change happens because, well, it just does.

Our ability to embrace change is what makes the difference between ending the day feeling sad or frustrated, or ending the day feeling proud about what we have achieved despite the circumstances.

One of those options feels a heck of a lot better than the other.

As training professionals, not only must we adapt to changes ourselves, but we also need to help our learners adapt to change. We need to have the skills to personally embrace change and to identify ways to make it a positive difference for ourselves. Why? Because only if we are able to do it in our own world can we develop an understanding of how our learners feel and help them process those emotions to deliver the changed behaviours that the training you are delivering is asking of them.

So rather than wait until the next change is chucked your way to remind yourself what the change journey feels like, why not be proactive and think about embracing a change that you have been putting off; a change that you know needs to happen but one you have prevaricated long enough on?

Go on, take the first steps now. I can absolutely assure you that not only will you be proud of the accomplishment when you achieve it but also, you'll have that little bit more understanding about what your learners are going through when you encourage them to change. You never know, you might also acquire some great anecdotes to inspire them with.

I will leave you with one the quote that inspired me, from Earl Nightingale:

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."

Think about it; it might just change your attitude to change :-)


One Response

  1. Curveballs, and unexpected
    Curveballs, and unexpected challenges, can test resilience and adaptability. In life’s unpredictable game, navigating through unforeseen twists becomes essential. Just like a baseball player adjusting to a sudden curveball, individuals face unforeseen obstacles. It’s crucial to approach them with the same determination. In such moments, the importance of reliable support surfaces, akin to the reassurance provided by greene king customer service, ensuring a smoother journey through life’s unpredictable pitches.

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Frances Ferguson

Training Design Manager

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