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Customer Service “Forum”


Help !. Has anyone had experience of setting up a customer service "Forum" in their organisation. The aim is to bring different parts of the company together, to have a discussion on how we are progressing with Customer Service, to talk about
short term training fixes, approaches, ensuring consistency, to recommend solutions for issues.
Any ideas, or feedback on whether it has worked for you, how you approached it would be great
lisa james

3 Responses

  1. Customer Service “Forum”
    Hi Lisa,

    I would suggest elect/select a member from each part of the organisation to form the forum. Before you begin your activity, gather as much ‘evidence’ as possible (this may be recorded conversations with customers, customer feedback, or activity logs). If such information is unavailable, take the time to talk to a cross section of managers and employees at the customer face (I would recommend this action in any event).

    Using the information gained, create a general summary of perceived issues, and send a copy to all concerned. This would then form the basis of your first agenda. Timing is very important; ensure that there is sufficient time for all concerned to contribute, i.e. allow for meetings, holidays, shift workers, absenteeism etc.

    Depending on your organisation and communication flow, I would endeavour to ensure that all employees are aware of your initiative. An email, posters, a staff meeting, company newsletter or even a simple presentation could achieve this. If you are intent on success, I would suggest a competition for the best ideas/interventions, with a suitable prize(s). This will guarantee feedback! One pitfall to carefully avoid is to exclude the very people who will be able to assist you – the people who are constantly customer facing.

    Once your committee is in place and before you hold your first meeting, have the answers ready! There will always be an occasion when a wonderful idea is shot down due to budget limitation, time or practicalities. If your initiative is to be a success from the offset, you will need to give something back. Pick at least two or three ideas that are cost effective, simple to initiate and communicate these to all concerned. If your new forum is seen to generate interest and positive action in the first instance, you are on the road to success!

    Finally, might I suggest that you keep a database of all correspondence, ideas/suggestions etc? It may well not be feasible to implement some actions at present, but who knows the future? Also, if there are some great ideas that cannot be implemented, provide people with feedback to explain the reason(s).

    I hope my suggestions have helped, if not only to provide food for thought.

    Best of luck!


  2. Tried it
    Hi Lisa,
    In a previous company we set up a Customer Service Forum, people were elected from different parts of the company which was a 24/7 operation, and met once a month. Unfortunately just setting up meeting times proved the first stumbling block, everyone ‘wanted’ to be involved but only when they were working. From once a month it crumbled to once in a blue moon very quickly and soon became a joke.

    If you’d like to talk about the experiences that we had, I’d be very happy to share them. Please give me a call on 07970 922984.

    I wouldn’t want anyone to relive the mess that I was left to sort out.



  3. Customer Service

    I used to set up quality circles each month at my last place of work with a focus on customer care using headings of
    Systems and Procedures

    Generally these helped to generate ideas AND action plans which were revisited at each subsequent circle

    Good luck
