Does anyone have any snappy fun exercises or sessions to help guide people on CVs and skills analysis
David Roberts

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Does anyone have any snappy fun exercises or sessions to help guide people on CVs and skills analysis
David Roberts
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3 Responses
Skills Audit
We are a public company working with unemployed people assisting them in finding a job and as the Training Officer I lead the jobsearch training.
I start by brainstorming with them “I’m only a House Wife/Husband – what skills do I have” to illustrate that even someone with no work history still has transferrable skills.
We then go through an exercise which gets them to list the activities they do, breaking down the individual tasks and then listing the skills and qualities required. For example, taking care of children as an activity involves feeding, changing, amusing, teaching, etc and the skills/qualities from these activities are thn listed as cooking skills, menu planning, patience, etc.
We use a Jumpcut video The CV Workout which looks at three case studies with a “before” and “after” CV.
I’m not sure how much fun these exercises are given that is what you are seeking, however we can deliver them in a fun style.
If I can assist further please let me know.
Janice is quite right. I do exactly the same with my New Deal clients
TRy also materials from
in SHeffield. THey are contracted to the DEpt of Education and Skills.THey have produced for about £150 19 hours of excellent materials plus a free training workshop
They are on 08456 44 11 09
World’s Worst CV
I’ve used ‘The World’s Worst CV’ (or cover letter) in career development settings to show how otherwise capable job seekers might be selling themselves short.
The idea came from ‘And a Good Job Too’ by David Mackintosh.
Hope this is helpful.
Scott G. Welch