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Data Protection – Staff Assessment


I am looking for suggestions on alternative methods of assessing staff on their knowldge/understanding of the DPA and how it affects them in a Contact Centre Environment.

I have already made use of the video 'Barry's Bad Data Day'; written testing and more recently a multi-choice questionnaire via our intranet. I'm now running out of ideas and scenarios for potential questions.

I'd appreciate any help/suggestions from anyone who's done this sort of thing before or anyone with some new ideas to inspire me!
Angela Paul

3 Responses

  1. A variety of approaches
    Assessing current data protection awareness levels can be done in a number of ways. Here are a few innovative suggestions:

    – Online questionnaire. This can be sent out using an email with a http link included for convenience. You could also include an incentive such as a prize draw for those who complete the questionnaire to encourage take-up.

    – Web-based assessment module. This could take the form of a game/quiz and should be visually stimulating and interactive. Employees can simply be emailed a link that will take them directly to the module for convenience.

    The benefit of using either of the approaches above is that all the results can be tracked and stored online. This will enable you to produce a report analysing awareness levels very quickly/simply.

    Easy i can offer a service to create both of the options outlined above. In fact, we already have a range of innovative web-based assessment modules that are fully customisable. You can edit the questions/answers that appear in the modules as often as you like, so you could use them for other initiatives too.

    If you would like a free demo of the assessment modules, or any further information, please email me on:

    Alternatively vist:

  2. Compliance Assessment
    I have many years of experience of writing compliance assessments, and I know that areas like Data Protection can be particularly difficult since much of it is ‘common sense’. This means that you can end up testing common sense rather than true knowledge/understanding. If you haven’t aready done so, I would suggest that you talk to managers in the area to find out where people are currently having difficulty or perhaps where breaches have occured and base questions around that. If accurate measurement is an issue for you I can also recommend a company that could do it for you.

  3. Assessing data protection
    Before considering how to assess the level of data protection awareness within your organisation, it is important to understand the multifarious data protection practices which could be potentially in breach of the Act. If you want any help in developing a bank of practical examples for assessment purposes then please let me know. I have collated a very substantial selection which can be used to demonstrate a full gamut of issues.