A question to muse over: "What is not happening now that you believe a competency framework will provide?" So...
I am doing some research into those companies who have purposely NOT introduced a "competency framework" (and/or formal appraisal system) or who had one, and junked it. (Hopefully to better effect!)
Does anyone have any pointers- books, research or companies?
I recall a book being mentioned by David Taylor (author of Naked Leadership) along these lines, but cannot trace it (the title I had was Now Shoot The Monkey but nothing pops up on Amazon).
Many thanks: I am happy to come back to you all with findings later.
Liam Dolan

One Response
A lead?
The foreword to this book mentions monkeys, work and humans http://www.meaningfulwork.com/bookstore/blurb-mmw.html
If I find anything else, I’ll let you know. Good luck.