I need to do a 20 minute presentation on Delivery technique & Training delivery. I have never taken on a training role before but have successfully got through to the final stages of a business training post. I would be interested if anyone could point me in the right direction?
Rachel Ware

3 Responses
Material for Training Delivery
If you provide your fax number I can send you some material on a training course I attended last year.
How do you say ..
Hi Rachel
doesn’t seem like 20 minutes is very long for this .. the immediate thought I had was to give some examples …so pick a short sentence ot topic and “deliver” it in a variety of ways ..different verbal tone …body language etc … and ask the audience what feeling or thoguhts they had for each one …maybe that would highlight the importance of delivery etc …
Just a thought …. good luck
Training Tips
Mail me your address and I’ll send you some of the very basic training stuff I gathered as a new trainer a few years ago – then you can pick what you think.
Also, I agree with another of the commenteers – 20 mins seems a small time to deliver. You may need to drill right down to cover a small thing about the bigger topic, maybe produce a handout with more tips. Perhaps your 20 minutes can be based on being a ‘Training Tips Taster’ – to enable you more presentation/training opportunities?
Drop me a line and we can take it from there – southk@gusco.com
Kate 🙂