Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a IT student in UKM and now have to prepare for
my final project. My final project is e-learning which use to teach the second year’s IT student about Data Communication. As I am majoring computer scients, so I need to use programming language in my project, and I prefer Java. I would like to ask whether I need to upgrade my win98 to win2000? PWS or IIS should be use? JSP or ASP is more suitable? Do I need to have a function e-mail for my e-learning?
That’s all for my question, hope can receive ur answer soon, I’ll be much appreciate ur help.
suat hong
I am a IT student in UKM and now have to prepare for
my final project. My final project is e-learning which use to teach the second year's IT student about Data Communication. As I am majoring computer scients, so I need to use programming language in my project, and I prefer Java. I would like to ask whether I need to upgrade my win98 to win2000? PWS or IIS should be use? JSP or ASP is more suitable? Do I need to have a function e-mail for my e-learning?
That's all for my question, hope can receive ur answer soon, I'll be much appreciate ur help.
suat hong
One Response
A Very Ambitious Project!
I did not understand some of your note but I would like to help if I can.
Your project seems to have one main objective – produce an e-learning package on “Data Communications”. You also want to use a programming language. However you will also have to learn how to design and develop a training program. All of these are very ambitious!
You ask about the technology (version of Windows, what Web Server, what language). But I think you are asking the wrong questions.
If you want to produce e-learning that uses Web technology then all the technology and tools are readily available. If the students have Browsers (e.g. IE5) and you have a Web Server (e.g. IIS5) you can easily develop Web pages using existing Web tools, in Java if you wish. Version of Windows etc. are not important.
If you want something more complex there are animated graphics packages e.g. Macromedia Shockwave Studio. These packages take a while to learn how to use but produce very impressive results.
E-mail is unnecessary for Web access/design but you might want FTP to move pages from your local PC to your Web Server.
As a trainer will know, the way to approach a (possible) training need is from the opposite direction. Very simply put it should be:
1. Who needs training?
2. What do they need to be able to do?
3. Given the target audience, the material, the time scales, the budget (etc) what is the best learning method?
The training can then be designed and developed. Training design is a skill covering a range of issues (there are many courses on training design advertised on this website). Essentially this is deciding on the content and ways to facilitate learning. The development of the training, if e-learning is the most suitable, will involve decisions about the technology as I have mentioned above. Then actually fulfilling the design; making pages or animations, structuring interactive sessions etc.
I hope this helps. Please contact me if you wish.