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Designing a Training Course in Time Management


What issues would you need to consider in the design of a training course in 'Time Management' for 20 junior managers employed within your organisation?


6 Responses

  1. holistic approach
    you may want to consider not only time management techniques but also paper & work handling techniques – how to manage work as a whole.

  2. Prioritising tasks
    I found that by including a section on how to prioritise tasks gave my Trainees a better understanding of how to organise jobs as they came and thus helped with time management.

  3. Time management
    I agree with other respondents about suitable content but would add that personal scheduling is also important. i.e. knowing how our effectiveness varies throughout the day and then fitting in appropriate tasks. Progress with unimportant tasks can be encouraging and give us the “scent of success”

  4. No such thing as Time Management
    To be provocative (or not), my view is that Time Management is a misleading misnomer. The challenge is that of Self- and Workload-management. Self to know what is important to you and hence be able to prioritise work (and say NO) in line with your own Values and Visions; Workload because that is what you actually manage – time just happens!

  5. Collate time management tips from other managers in the organisa
    Prior to one course I ran, I collated Time Management tips from employees and managers in the organisation. I found that real life, practical tips from those at the “coal face” added more credibility to what I was saying. The delegates could also see actual ways that they could make a difference to managing their time.

  6. Tips from my internal course
    I ask the managers in the class tp do an audit of how they do spend their time now. I compare the results to what their next level thinks (via survey) should be how they spend their time.
    I ask each person in class to create their top ten list of accomplisments for last measurement period (month, quarter). Transfer each item on their list to one 3X5 Post It. Post their post its on Wall Charts titled by the key Strategic Goals current and future for organization.
    I have found the Carlson (old name) company’s “Time Mastery” program to be very good.
    Joe Roebuck –
    Hope this helps.