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Developing an inter-agency mental health training plan?


I need to look at the issues that a trainig manger would face in setting up an Inter-Agency Mental health Training plan. I need to consider ways of addressing the issues and how i would measure the outcomes.
Does any one have any experience in this field? Can anyone help?
I need this information as soon as possible.
Mnay thanks in anticipation.
alison lowe

2 Responses

  1. Interagency mental health training
    We can help. We have an experienced Mental health lawyer a nurse practiioner and trainers already working on something similar for a Health Authority in the NorthWest.

    Please e-mail your specific requirements to us and we will gladly help you further.

    Susan McGaughran
    Training By Design Global Ltd or phone 0870 241 3998

  2. mental health training
    Alison -I’m afraid there is no quick and easy answer to this as there is a new and ambitious mental health agenda that has been developing over the past few years and new initiatives and new guidence are coming from the DOH wholesale-so you need some awareness of that if you’re planning interagency training that will have any credibility. There is a publication from the Sainsbury Centre -Pulling Together -“the future roles and training of mental health staff” that might help. Their tel. no is 0207 403 8790 I work with a number of other trainers and we specialise in mental health training and consultancy and part of our work is doing just this . You can contact me on 0117 963 1446 Good Luck