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Development of Financial Service Trainers


I am currently looking at what qualifications should be a minimum requirement for my team to carry out their role. Moving forward I would also be interested to hear views on what a competent trainer should have, in addition to practical experience.

The FAFC qualification doesn't seem to have much credibility in the industry at the moment.

Tony Bulmer

6 Responses

  1. Have you considered?
    Dear Tony,
    I would suggest as a first step getting hold of a copy of the Management Pocket Book “Trainer Standards” by John Townsend. This little book is like a competency guide to the standards of a really good trainer, so it makes a lot of sense to begin there.

    John runs a fantastic trainer development programme – The Master Trainer – and you should check that out as well – seriously I’m not on commission, I attended about 5 years ago now and it made a major impact on my training, and continues to make that impact.

    Thirdly trainer development is all about the level of people that the trainer generally trains, and the trainer should have at least the same educational background – ie. a degree if graduates are being trained, an MBA if more senior managers are being trained – and this only from a credibility view point.

    The trainer then needs to have general management skills and an underpinning knowledge – a Diploma in Management wouldn’t hurt.

    And a range of training skills. These can be learnt from observing other trainers or from having in-house learning sessions, where one trainer who has the skills trains the others in that particular skill area. Or they can be ‘bought’ in by sending trainers on training programmes that reflect the skills that they need to learn.

    A rigourous approach I know, but one which will definitely develop your trainers.



  2. People not qualifications
    Hi Megan,

    >>>Thirdly trainer development is all about the level of people that the trainer generally trains, and the trainer should have at least the same educational background – ie. a degree if graduates are being trained, an MBA if more senior managers are being trained – and this only from a credibility view point.>>>>

    I’m not so sure I agree with this, you’re saying that the trainer can only train effectively if he/she has the same or higher qulifications than the delegates. This assumes the delegates all judge him/her to have less credibility if he/she doesn’t match them academically. Why? Thats a subjective point, many people judge your credibilty on life experience and knowledge not exams per se. The point pre-judges the delegates opinions and prejudices.
    It further means that the only way a trainer can develop is if he she has an MBA etc. Hardy a normal development route for a trainer, go get a degree. Given trainers are normally less well paid than those in management (if they are trianing management delegates) then there is no incentive to stick at it – may as well move into management yourslef.

    I think its communication and influencing skills as well as knowledge and experience that gain credibility not exams by themselves. Whilst there will always be those delegates with prejudices who judge the trainre purely on academic results I hope there are others that agree with me and see the whole person not the qualification.

    I’d be interested in others opinions

  3. Experience vs qualifications
    Hi Tony,

    I agree with Mark – experience and training skills are more important than academic qualifications.

    I train Financial Systems within my organisation, which needs a knowledge of accounting principles and processes, but I only posess a GCSE in Accounting. I often train people who are more qualified (and better paid!) than myself, but my credibility lies in knowing more about the subject I am teaching than the trainees do at that moment in time. I do hold a Certificate in Education, gained whilst in my current role, which I suppose gives me training credibility, and was quite useful in developing my own training skills and knowledge (although on reflection I wish I had taken the CTP- Certificate in Training Practice, which is more industry-based, rather than FE-based).

    A good knowledge of your subject, plus sound training skills, are all you need to succeed. The most qualified and knowledgeable person may not be able to train others effectively without knowing basic learning principles, therefore I would strongly recommend that your existing staff attend a Trainers course, of which there are many designed for business trainers. There are also hundreds of good books on the market.

  4. Thank you
    Thank you for the interesting debate that has started as a result of my question.

    I am looking for a mixture of both underpinning knowledge (FPC/industry qualifications) and practical experience. My team all have the CITP qualification.

    Elise – I agree totally with your comments.

  5. Financial services trainers – competence
    Hi Tony

    Your operating sector implies compliance with the FSA guidelines? Forgive me if I’m stating what you already know…..

    The rules do not provide a benchmark of competence for managers / supervisors, sellers, administrators. Therefore, you can be sure that there’s no benchmark for the Trainer in this environment! The rules simply state that individuals must “comply with the T&C commitment”.

    So..the answer to your question lies in your T&C Scheme. The T&C Scheme defines the standards required. I’m not sure what involvement you have in the design of the scheme – worth investigating. Historically, the Regulator(s) in the past have never explicitly said that trainers have to be tooled up with the knowledge requirements (FPC, CeMAP, AFPC etc). However, to “comply with the commitment of the scheme” inevitably companies have required the trainer to hold the same qualification as the target audience.

    Hope this helps.

    IF you’d like to talk further – 01305853734!



  6. Financial services trainers – competence

    I understand the issues you face as I’ve managed Financial Services trainers for the last five years. I’d be interested to know the importance your organisation places on training as this impacts enormously on trainer development.

    The trainers I work with posses the usual FPC, AFPC, MAQ type qualifications. Unfortunately, our organisation is more concerned with trainers having the technical in preference to the likes of the CITP. However I have used the I.I.T.T. and their Trainer Assesment Profile (TAP) as a tool for developing trainers. The issue usually is for trainers to find the time to study for formal qualifications, as the job, in our organisation, frequently takes folks away from home. In addition because salaries are not so hot for trainers the motivation to study can be lacking.

    Happy to discuss with you anytime.