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“Diagnostic Tool for Generic Teleskills?”


see above
Mark Outhwaite

One Response

    Hi Mark

    We have devised a number of benchmark systems covering the areas you mention, which are based on how clients intend to implement/manage these tools.

    For example one was used to measure core competence and quality in a range of key areas, linking in to remote monitoring and call recording. The Team Leaders used this as a foundation for training needs analysis, individual performance management and development, quality monitoring and feedback etc.

    Another we devised was for a client who had an established quality monitoring system, but who wanted some method of self-assessment for the more experienced Call Handlers to analyse their own performance in more advanced (and core)skill areas.

    As all our examples are client specific,unfortunately I can’t send copies to you because of confidentiality. However,I would be happy to give you some more details if you let me know how you intend to use this diagnostic tool.

    You may find a generic benchmark tool that suits you needs, but if not, please get in touch. It may be that with some pointers, you can design your own in-house version.

    You can email me ( telephone (01661 871771) mobile (0385 294369)


    Susan Cole