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Ivy Regina Sagudo

Dubai Petroleum Establishment

Training Specialist

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directive coaching


hi everyone! i've put together a course on coaching and developing others for individuals who need to facilitate knowledge transfers withinthe team and for line managers new to performance coaching. i'm just at a loss for an interactive exercise on directive coaching style. the aim of the session is to define what directive coaching is and its uses and to have engaged in an exercise to practice this style. the one i've used in the past is  teaching an alien how to open a box of matches and how to light a match. i need something more practical and if there's a checklist to that can be used to aid the feedback session, that would be great!


2 Responses

  1. “Directive coaching” in this instance equals “teaching”

    "More practical" will depend on the environment of the trainees……lighting a match is "practical" but if your trainees live in the modern world and don’t smoke is probably of limited value to them!

    Checklist~Assuming that the group has no prior knowledge or experience of the subject

    1. What do they need to know? How deeply? (eg do they need to know the chemical composition of the match? where it is made? technique? H&S rules?)

    2. What do they need to be able to do? To what standard? In what environment? (eg do they need to be able to strike a match or light a fire….in a fireplace or on an ice-floe, in daylight or in the dark?)

    3. Do they know the knowledge….test them to prove

    4. Do they have the ability….practical exercise under realistic conditions to prove

    Does that help?


  2. directive coaching


    many thanks. i’ve considered your reply and indeed directive coaching is telling or instructing in essence. i included it as we’ve got tehcnical authors who need to pass on knowledge to colleagues / subordinates and i wanted to give them a sample model for the push style of coaching. in the end i used the origami boat and dart exercise to practice the STEER model. 

    again, thanks for your reply.



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Ivy Regina Sagudo

Training Specialist

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