Does anyone have a really good exercise in Diversity training (approx 20 mins) that's had a really good impact at management level?
Julia Sinclair

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Does anyone have a really good exercise in Diversity training (approx 20 mins) that's had a really good impact at management level?
Julia Sinclair
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2 Responses
They do some free stuff that should help you
Use pictures
Can I ask what particular learning point are you wanting to make? Is it to do with recruitment, performance mgt, harassment etc?
At a guess how about trying this out:(always works well for me)
Put up pictures around the room stuck on flipchart. Pictures where you can see 2/3 things. (Standard material amongst trainers -email me if you don’t have access to any of these).
Give everyone a flipchart pen and ask people in silence to write on all the flipcharts ‘what they see’.
When everyone has finished. Ask:
what happened?
What helped you see more than 1 image?
Were you influenced by what others wrote?
Ask for its relevance to subject matter (diversity).
eg. We all see things differently.
Ask: What affects our viewpoint (makes us different)?
Ask: What problems can this cause in the workplace? How can we deal with this?