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Does anybody have any suggestions for Advanced Line Manager training?


Our line managers have been on an internal New Supervisor Development Programme inc Understanding People Policies, Appraisals and Development Planning, Personal Effectiveness - Managing Others, Managing Good & Poor Performance, Understanding Leadership Attributes. We now need to move some of them on to the next step but not really sure what that next step looks like - any suggestions for training/trainers/content?
Katherine Peeks

6 Responses

  1. We haven’t a clue!
    I think you have answered this question for your self. If you are asking for ideas about management development direction and content then I would suggest that you have not undertaken a substantive Identification of Training Need (ITN) and review of the organisation’s strategic direction otherwise this request would be a redundancy.

    The only step I would suggest you need to take next is an analysis of the demands and pressures both current and likely to appear in the future which will be placed upon this group of managers. Perhaps speak to senior managers on a one to one basis or run a focus group meeting to get their views on the future strains on this group and how they are currently responding. Do you have a Performance Management System? What’s that telling you? Determine the existing knowledge and skills of this target group and establish if there is a shortfall in any area. The shortfall is what you train, not a groovy, flavour of the month, management fashion topic.

    Think about it Katherine; asking for ideas for training content on this forum roughly equates to ringing up your doctor who you have never met and has no idea who you are and informing them that you have decided to go into hospital for elective surgery and could she/he make any suggestions about what you might have done – clearly crazy.

    If you undertake an adequate Needs Analysis you might discover there is no immediate requirement for development and suddenly a huge chunk of money becomes available to invest in another part of the business where there will doubtless be very specific and very clear returns. It would be unprofessional (if not criminal) just to spend the training budget on training without it being targeted against business need and strategic requirement. You might even consider spending some of that money on your own training so that you can ensure all future training spend is a clear investment and not a simple cost.

    The following web sites are worth looking at as they might give you some ideas about how to go about undertaking a Training Needs Analysis rather than asking for guesses from members of this forum. Neither I nor anyone else really has a clue what the next step is for your managers. Individuals here can of course suggest training based upon current trends in training, but that is absolutely no, zero, zilch, nada indication of whether it is relevant or pertinent to the needs of your group. Suggestions made here will merely be a reflection of an individuals own interests or preferences; does that make it right for your people? No.

    Good luck.

  2. Training Need Analysis
    Hi Katherine
    I 100% second Garry’s comments. You must undertake a detailed and individually based ITN or Training Needs Analysis (TNA).

    At some point you will want to evaluate your investment in the training… this will be impossible without this analysis first.

  3. Advanced Line Manager Training
    Hi there Katherine

    Can I ask what skills are they expected to have to do the role? Do you have JD’s/Person spec in place? If you have already identified the key skills they need to do the job – then these could form a set of performance criteria. Once you have this information it can form the basis of your skill scan. It is probable that each managers ‘gap’ in knowledge will be different and therefore a ‘blanket’ approach to learning moving forward, may not be useful to the individual and costly to the business. Good Luck and feel free to contact me if I can do anything to help.

  4. Advanced Line Manager training
    Hi Katherine

    I agree with the comments mentioned by other contributors. However we offer ILM level 3 First Line Management and now offer the new level 4 programme as a natural step up for first line managers who have doen one programme and want to do something more, but which isn’t too time consuming (approx 5/6 days). We offer this in responce to queries like your from training oficers and delegates who want to go to the next stage/level.


  5. NLP Business Excellence
    Hi Katherine,

    As per the last few email it is really important that you know what your final outcome needs to be for all your manager’s. As a trainer and business coach I use a lot of NLP philosohpy and techniques. It is important for your manager’s to understand behaviours, strategies and individual representational systems to provide outstanding coaching and feedback. Please have a look at my website for more information – it may help.

    Take care,

  6. Guess Work
    Joan Binks wrote: “It is important for your manager’s to understand behaviours, strategies and individual representational systems to provide outstanding coaching and feedback. Please have a look at my website for more information – it may help.”

    Cameron Scott: “However we offer ILM level 3 First Line Management and now offer the new level 4 programme as a natural step up for first line managers who have doen one programme and want to do something more, but which isn’t too time consuming (approx 5/6 days).”

    These suggestions may or may not be correct in the context of your business, we don’t know and they don’t know. As I wrote Katherine: “Suggestions made here will merely be a reflection of an individuals own interests or preferences; does that make it right for your people?”