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Does training pay?


The provision of training in new media and new technologies, especially digital technologies, is nowadays often promoted as a way to ensure a significant revenue income stream. This is especially true of independent and voluntary sector organisations, whose core operations may be arts-based or community-based.

I am somewhat sceptical about the evidence on which this assumption is based. How true is it that training is a potential money-spinner for small to medium sized organisations?

If you have examples (one way or the other) I'd like to know about them. Any stats will also be helpful.
Anne-Marie Quigg

One Response

  1. can you define this further?
    you give no indication to the services you are trying to sell which makes the reply tricky, so please bear with me.

    Selling new technologies to an audience that is used to spending its budget in more traditional areas is not easy so in order to be successful your team will need to understand how this new technology benefits the client.

    If we take New Media as an example and place it alongside traditional advertising methods the arguement for online advertising becomes very strong.
    Traditional advertising is an excellent way of raising awareness and informing the target audience but in order to prompt a response the audience must have either enough desire to know more or a pressing need for that solution to physically contact the advertiser.

    With new media the same message is conveyed. but what we get back in terms of response can be far more detailed (if the promoting company is savvy enough to collect and collate data). Not only is this data more comprehensive but also faster (as the campaign is not dependent upon the timescales of going to print), more consistent (as advertising on the internet is a 24/7 solution as opposed to a weekly /monthly publication),more engaging (if the media is used correctly allowing for interaction from the audience)and more versatile in the way your company/brand/image is pushed out to the prospective clients.

    The provision of training in technology is important and if done through the right company will be beneficial to your organisation. The offerings that new technology bring to a marketplace are often difficult to grasp until you go through a process of handholding and learning. The people that say new technologies offer a significant revenue stream are correct BUT this new revenue stream will not work for all organisations. You really need to look at what your company has to offer and if you believe that there is scope for additional revenue from things like new media then it is definatley worth investing in the training. That said there are other considerations that may not be immediatley apparent, like the technological investment and infrastructure required for a company to make money from these new and emerging technologies.

    At Sift (TrainingZONES Parent company) we have embarked on, and completed several training programmes on new media and emerging technologies. These have proved beneficial, however, that is the marketplace we are directly involved within and as i said earlier this will not be useful to all.
    Please feel free to call me direct on 01179 158641 and i will be happy to spend some time with you examining wether this is a route you should be embarking upon