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DPA Training materials


I have been asked to recommend training aids for the DPA for a out reach organisation with a number of employees who take confidential information from their clients - does anyone have any suggestions or places they can direct me for information?

Kind Regards

Patricia Marks

4 Responses

  1. DPA materials
    Hi Patricia

    The Information Commissioner’s Office issue a free DVD called ‘The Lights are On’ which covers the basics of the DPA in a straightforward and amusing way. There are also a couple of interactive quizzes. I don’t think it is for anyone wanting an in-depth understanding but it is a helpful resource and well produced. It is subtitled too.

    I think I ordered it through their website – (You can order more than one copy).


  2. Data Protection Act

    We used a trainer who devised a flipchart game around the 8 principles.It might be copyright so if you get in touch I will send you their e mail address.And copyright is the last elephant trap you need with this law!

  3. My DPA quiz
    You are welcome to my DPA quiz (with answers). Please e-mail me if interested.

  4. DPA resources

    I’ve been delivering DPA training for over 8 years now, in various different roles, and I also use the DPA DVD (Obtainable from their website or call their hotline 01625 545 745) “The Lights are on…”
    As Colin as said below, it’s a great DVD, very funny in parts and really gets the message across to an audience about DPA, do’s don’ts etc..
    I also have some material I currently use, which I’d be happy to share.
    kindest regards