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Action Development Group


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We are a small management development organisation who has authored its own development modules that are used to develop participants working to achieve a range of managements qualifications.

The modules are paper based and in word format. Candidates now ask for the documents to be emailed. We have tried to make them user friendly by inserting talbes and form fields. However the documents never come out the other end looking the same as they were sent.

I have also used Adobe Acrobat 5.0 however the documents created with form fields cannot be saved off line by the recipient unless the buy a piece of software called Acrobat Approve'

Could anyone advise of cost effective solutions to my dilemma. I would like to be able to import my documents into a piece of software that would allow us to develop the modules over time to include audio, movies, freetext etc. And the participants to access, open fill in, print, save and email (or save on line)

Could anyone advise of appropriate solutions?

please reply by email.

Mike Smith

Recommendations only please!

6 Responses

  1. E-Learning
    Hi Mike

    There is a product called RoboHelp that compiles all types of documents into HTML files that can be accessed across a web browser. It is specially designed for e-learning projects. Graphics and AVIs can also be embedded. Alternatively, the documents can be compiled in Windows Help format, but this is not as flexible. I seem to remember it costs about £600.


    Phil Wheeliker

  2. Reply to Phil Wheeliker

    Thanks for the advice, do you know who the supplier of the software is?


    Mike Smith

  3. There are various tools available
    You could look at the macromedia suite of products, they produce some fabulous results but require time and certain skills you may need to learn. There is also Kallidus 6 which is quite complicated.
    You could consider having an ASP website produced which will allow you to do all that you require.
    Lastly you could ring me in the office on 0161 875 0100, I operate a system that does precisely what you are discussing and I would be interested to discuss using your material within our system.
    This solution could be mutually beneficial.

    best regards

    Antony Dyson

  4. documents
    I have experience of just this kind of issue, but am confused by why the mailed documents are not OK when received. Can you be more specific? or call me on 0131 551 4654 or email to

  5. TrueType
    As a quick improvement, try saving your Word documents with the truetype fonts embedded. File > Save As > Tools > General Options > Embed TrueType Fonts.

    This means the typeface goes with the document and what you see is what they’ll get (although printers are another problem…)

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