I want to get the participants thinking about their current level of e-readiness with regard to their understanding and use of new technologies and social networking. I'd like it to be a little bit fun
and perhaps make reference to the demographics (gen X/gen Y stuff) of people in the workplace in results (only loosely - I'm not saying I believe it).
I could make it up but I'd much rather find a starting point that I can tweak.
Katherine Chapman

4 Responses
Intrigued by the question
Hi Katherine,
I’m quite interested in what’s out there too, but reckon that one of the primary tenets of e-preparedness is to know your way around a good search engine.
I put “social networking quiz” into one such and came up with a lot of stuff for schoolkids (on safety), but some jokier items such as Are you addicted to social media? at searchandsocial.com.
There are a few light-hearted Boomer/Gen X/Y quizzes out there too and if you like a few extras for free from me, I’d throw in questions such as:
-What do you do when you receive an unexpected email attachment?
-Do you now how to protect your browser from drive-by downloads?
-What’s the best way to protect your computer from viruses? (don’t use -Windows/apply all security patches asap/use firewall software)
-Do you know how to alter the privacy settings on social networks (and have you used them?)
So, it looks like there’s nothing pre-packaged for you, but you don’t need to take too many steps to start putting something together.
Best of luck with your project – maybe we could collaborate on one and post it here on TrainingZONE!
John Stokdyk
Technology editor
Build one!
Hi Katherine – I’d be happy to brainstorm this with you to come up with something custom. I know your user audience fairly well. I’m sure we could come up with a few ideas between us!
You know how to get hold of me. See you at LT2009!
Collaboration on e-readiness
Karyn – that’s a great idea and maybe we could then publish it back to TrainingZone as John suggests. Thanks also John for your suggestions
Could be fun!
Can we join in?
Katherine & Karyn,
Over the weekend I realised that I’d missed a trick here – not only would the e-readiness quiz be a perfect piece of content for TrainingZone and our other communities such as BusinessZone, AccountingWEB and HR Zone, but I think IT trainer Simon Hurst has done similar stuff in the past.
I’m going to talk to him and collect some other bits and pieces and then see what we can do with it in-house.
Give me a day or two to get myself organised, but can I join your party too?