I want to employ an e-tutor to support a group of learners undertaking a programme delivered mostly through a VLE known as WebCT. I am wondering how to develop a person spec/job desc as I would like to incorporate service standards etc. for levels of support to e-learners.
Ruth Smith

One Response
e-Tutor Competencies
I am a firm believer in writing competency based job descriptions. These allow you to be completely specific about the role and standard of associated behaviours required.
This being the case, I would recommend that you download the Institute of IT Training (IITT) e-Learning Professional Competency Framework in Adobe Acrobat from:
This is chunky download (1.88MB) but well worth it.
The e-Tutor competencies appear on page 8.
I would also recommend that you review the e-Learners Charter that appears on-line at:
To streamline the process you could always consider specifying your requirement for a candidate with the CeLP Certificate in e-Tutoring Skills.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes