I am working on an L&D project, part of which is to attain ECDL centre accreditation. Can anyone give me advice on the process, perhaps good websites, realistic time frames to achieve this and good training providers for ECDL Assessors training. How long would assessors training be normally?
sarah james

4 Responses
Visit the ECDL website
You can download a test centre accreditation pack from the ECDL website http://www.ecdl.co.uk/becoming-centre.php?style=scn
Contact The British Computer Society
Contact at BCS
Hi, I am project managing an ICDL pilot programme at BP in Sunbury. I also suggest you contact the British Computer Society for advice. I have already passed your note on to my contact there, so hopefully someone will contact you soon.
ECDL reply
Hi Sarah, I’m the Sales and Client Relations Manager for ECDL UK managing accreditation of businesses. I’d be more than happy to assist.
e-mail ktibbs@hq.bcs.org.uk for me to answer any questions on ECDL that you may have.
ECDL requires markers and invigilators, a one days training session is provided by us upon accreditation.
Regards, Kevin