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ECDL Training Provider


Can anyone recommend an ECDL training provider, preferably in London, and good courseware. I am looking for a fasttrack (no more than 1-2 weeks), tutor led course. I have looked at the ECDL web site but I did not find this very helpful.
Sade Awolola

Recommendations only please!

5 Responses

  1. reply from BCS
    Posted on behalf of the British Computer Society

    Dear Sade,

    My apologies if you have referred to these pages on our web site before:

    We are not in a position to recommend a specific training provider – all the
    organizations shown on the page have ECDL approval and further information
    can be sought by following links to their their sites.

    In order to take the tests, you would need to find an ECDL Test Centre.
    Please refer to:
    for finding a convenient test centre in the London area. Again you will need
    to follow up contact phone numbers or email addresses to find out further
    information about their training and testing provisions.

    We hope that you find a suitable centre, appropriate training material and
    successfully complete the ECDL qualification.

    Derek Mills
    Technical Customer Support Advisor
    ECDL Business Unit

  2. ECDL Suppliers
    Dear Sade

    I am looking at 2 suppliers at the moment:

    Thomson Netg ( Tel: 020 8987 3522 and they are based in Chiswick. I am also seriously considering an Irish company called Addoceo ( or telephone +353 1882 4424. The main difference I can find between the 2 companies is that Addoceo have an alliance with Enlight Teststations Ltd to do the testing, whereas with Netg, you are left to make your own testing arrangements. Prices were similar between the two companies. I am not sure who Netg have worked with (I am sure there website will give you an idea!!) but Addoceo have just done ECDL for HSBC which I guess was a massive and prestigious contract.

    Hope this is of some help

    Debs Holliday

  3. ECDL Provider

    I would recommend Happy Computers 020 7375 7300. They have lots of experience with ECDL and together with the Manchester NHS won an award at the IITT awards this year.
    Their approach to training is extremely refreshing also.


    David Bullock
    Bytes Technology Group

  4. ECDL Provider
    The one Company I found that met our needs perfectly is DM Associates based in Camberley, Surrey (01276 677851). They helped us initially by completing a TNA prior to us embarking on an ECDL programme – this enabled training groups to be structured according to ability – thus saving us time. With their help, we have now set ourselves up as a ECDL test centre to enable us to train and test on the premises. Well worth giving them a call to discuss !

  5. looking for the same fast track
    Sade – have you found anything usefull yet ? I am looking for a fast track tutor led course, basic and advanced. Please e mail me if you have come up with anything.
    Regards Adrian – Techniche Textiles Ltd