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Effective E-Mail training without a PC


I want to come up with a short 10 min activity which will get people to think about constructing an effective email message. Also to get them to think about which options to use when sending a message.

Has anyone done anything similar out there or have any ideas. The group will be made of about 5 people and form part of a PC induction programme where they move from activity to activity some using PCs some not.
N Tompkins

5 Responses

  1. Sounds an interesting dilema
    Haven’t had to do it myself but maybe surfing the net for nettequette (!) sites (I know there are some good ones out there) will give you some inspiration – maybe a quiz or something!?

  2. Knowledge and Understanding Site
    There’s a great site called that will help you to build wordsearches and crosswords. As you know, these types of activities are always good for cementing knowledge and understanding. Most of the site is free, but some areas require subscription.

  3. Its like a letter…. isn’t it?
    I would recommend using the link between the ‘written word’ and emails… etiquette is a good way to start – opening, closing a message, not using upper case (AS THIS IS SHOUTING)… make the similirities with writing a letter to an external customer / memo to the boss… after all it is a formal way of communicating!

  4. Good or Bad?
    May be worth turning this on its head for some fun in the coutrse.

    Spend some time considering what makes a really bad email message… that is not effecdtive….

    Ask them to list what they hate about those types of message…


  5. Use Paper Messages
    You could reinforce the lack of clarity of the message by using paper and passing hand written messages from one group to another.