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eLearning and Money Laundering


Does any one use eLearning as the main learning tool in relation to training ang awareness of Money Laundering regulations and compliance. If so your experiance would be useful please.
Peter Rogerson

9 Responses

  1. I thought I was on to a winner!
    Peter I have to say that I really thought (by the title of this question) that we were on for some shock revelations about the essence of purity and propriety itself, elearning.

    Sorry that I can’t directly help! But if you do have a scoop for TZ please contact the Editor!!

  2. Money Laundering eLearning
    Yes, we have a client in the financial sector that is rolling out money laundering, data protection and morgage compliance online courses via our site4learning service to 500+ employees. Feel free to contact us for more information.

  3. Information Retention
    Hello Peter,
    From past experience of using a computer based package as a main learning tool for Money Laundering training, I can only say it fell short of the desired. When evaluating how effective it had been, unfortunately the staff had retained very little of the vital imformation, they wanted more interaction, practical exercises to help them tune in to the topic. Money Laundering is perceived as a complex topic, which if not communicated correctly can be. Simply sitting someone infront of a pc and telling them to work through the package is not sufficient. If you are able to design your own, be concious of what key elements need to be covered, some of the feedback I received showed that they wanted specific information on how to identify a client e.g. birth cert, passport, identifying EU or UK passport, residency permits, commonwealth countries and probably the one factor that they needed more information was that of Buiness verification and what was required informs of documentation.

    Sorry to sound so negative, I’m all in favour of e-learning but sometimes used on it’s own to deliver a complex subject it falls short, blended training will produce better results.

    Good Luck

  4. Quality of Product
    I work for a bank in the City and we have used E-learning for Compliance and Anti-money laundering training. All staff completed training and were assessed on their knowledge. The products that we used were not particularly engaging. We did follow up the training with a video which people were much more positive about. However, I have since seen some much better products notably from Wide Learning. Absolutely Training also have a product which is good.

  5. Approved MLR e-learning
    The College of Law have a Money Laundering e-learning programme that has just been updated to take account of the latest legislation: the gold disk only went out earlier this week.

    This programme was checked by Baker & McKenzie and is approved by KPMG Forensic.

    For more details go to and search for money laundering.

    I hope this satisfies your needs and meets the approval of those who have replied earlier.

  6. Money laundering e-learning module
    We have recently implemented a video-based e-learning solution for the world’s largest credit card outsourcing service provider with a specific training module on money laundering. Feel free to contact me if you would like further details.

  7. Recent research results

    I have available some recent research results from a study that we conducted in one of the Big 4 accounting firms.

    You can email me at gmenezes@knowledge-power if you would like to have a look at them.


  8. Further Information
    Over the last couple of years we have learned much about money laundering.

    The FSA having tightened rules and having placed some huge fines on well known financial organisations for not keeping records of compliancy modules such as ML.

    We have produced many different ML courses as well as the other courses required for compliancy in the financial sector.

    What we have learned is that in all of the courses we have created, the client always has asked for something different to suit their particular needs.

    ML is a course that will also have to be different to suit your position in the financial industry, a ‘catch all’ program is too generic and reports from users are that they are dry and boring. (not a great subject to start with)

    We have produced different aspects of ML for Building Societies, Banks and Financial Exchange and of course back office to counter staff…

    Be aware this year the insurance / assurance industry gets regulated in the same way and compliancy recording must be implemented in the same way as it is with the banks…

    The overall outcome of watching this area over the last couple of years is that although this may not be the most exciting subject to deliver, it is one that HAS to be delivered. The FSA has set a standard that says ‘no compliancy’, ‘no job’.

    ML does not have to be a long course, it needs to be one that is informative, presents the facts in a memorable way and of course contains assessment to comply with the FSA rules.

    All of the clients we have provided this for have large numbers of satff, the speed they can complete this across the business makes ML one of the ideal products for ‘e’. Considering that this has to be repeated every year, and that may soon change to 6 months, leaves little alternative for delivery method.

    If you wish to chat about this please feel free to get in touch.

    Neil Lasher
    020 8958 8959

  9. E learning

    Elearning video has evolved as technology was initial used in teaching. E-learning as a domain of academic chase and scientific growth can be categorized into separate areas. Many proponents of e-learning consider that everybody must be prepared with basic information of technology.