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Elected Employee Representative Panel


Has anyone experience of setting up an employee representative group or panel for consultation purposes and would be willing to share their experiences? I am particularly interested in how to determine how many people represent a department, how long they hold office for and any other guidance you may be able to give.
Louise Schwartz

7 Responses

  1. Employee Representatives

    We have three Employee Rep Groups who have been operating for several years, if you email with your contact details, I would be happy to share our experience.

    Louise Trethowan
    Parkside Housing Group

  2. Elected Employee Representatives

    We are a registered charity and set up a Staff Council 3 years ago. If you would like to email she would be willing to speak to you about the process.


  3. Super Users
    I have been an employee Representative, and can share some experiences.

    I also have set up several in house schemes which I call ‘Super User Programmes’ these can be tailored to your needs. As each area of a business is represented by one or more people, and they then become link between the department, people and the business. Email me off line if you need any help.

  4. 3 years experience of staff forum
    Our staff forum has been operating for 3+ years. Has been instrumental in successful consultations on communications, consultation on contract changes, redundancy programmes, employee benefits and working practices.
    Total employees on site 350; each member represents approx 40 people; elected for 2 years; meet every month.
    If you contact me I would be happy to pass on some lessons learnt.

  5. Elected Consultation Committees
    Please feel free to contact me to discus our experiences of setting up a committee this year.

  6. One per business area
    We have an employee committee for our 450 staff. Each business area has one representative. 1 for Head Office and one for each region. Our largest region is about 150 whilst our smallest is 35. Anymore representatives and the whole thing gets out of hand.

    We asked for volunteers to stand for election and then held a ballot within each region. We got about a 50% turnout.

    Each post is for 3 years or until they leave the Department which is every first.

    If you need anymore info please email on

  7. EU Learning Reps. Study Visit
    We are hosting an EU & DfES sponsored study visit by key HRD policy makers and practitioners in May/June 2003. The Learning Reps. scheme is the specific theme of the visit. Delegates will (probably) be from Germany and one of the pre-accession countries (e.g.Poland or Bulgaria).

    I am looking for orgnisations in the West Midlands that can demonstrate the success of the Learning Reps initiative with a view to arranging a visit (approx 2 hrs) to talk to HRD managers, panel members and beneficiaries of this programme.

    If you could help out with a visit, or would like to talk to the delegates, please contact: Terry Pugh (MD Entente UK – the Exchange Network for Training and Enterprise).
    Tel: 07966 44 29 21;