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Employee Relations book for line managers – HELP WANTED!


You're Fired! The Leader’s Guide to Employee Relations: Coaching, Counselling & Disciplinary Skills at Work

Greetings everyone. I'm on the home straight of my latest book with the above title and I’m looking for some help.

As the title suggests it's aimed at line managers rather than HR professionals. The book has grown out of a workshop that I have run for a number of clients called 'How to Handle Tough Situations at Work'.

I'm hoping that fellow members may be able to help in a number of ways:

Do you have any disciplinary / grievance / termination case histories that you'd be prepared to share with others? Particularly ones associated with modern technology and its impact on working policies & practises. Real learning experiences that others would benefit from reading.
Do you have any horror stories or helpful stories associated with tribunals which will help the subject come to life for line managers?
Do you have a disciplinary or grievance policy that you would be prepared to allow me to publish as an appendix, so that others can use it as a model.
I'm a great fan of the process of peer review. Would you be interested in seeing what I've produced so far and offering constructive criticism / endorsments?

Needless to say all help will be fully acknowledged ( or your details / organisation will be kept confidential if you prefer ).

Thanks in anticipation for any help or advice.
Malcolm Hornby

Ps A note for the cynics. So far I've written 40,000 words of an anticipated 60,000 and haven't even started to look for a publisher or a corporate sponsor yet; so I can assure you that this isn't some form of self-marketing. Just a genuine request for help.

Malcolm Hornby

2 Responses

  1. Help offered
    Hello Malcolm,

    Sounds like a great project. Well done. I’d be happy to offer a critique – I regularly review books for my website, so it would be great to offer some advice before publication for a change.

    As to horror stories – don’t have any specifics, however there are a couple of examples in an article I have written titled “Firing Someone – Does it have to be painful, for them and you?”. It’s on one of my websites and if you’d like a copy, please let me know.

    I published my first book earlier this year and have now started on my second, so if I can offer any advice, I am happy to do so.

    Kind regards

    Bob Selden,
    Author “What To Do When You Become The Boss”

  2. Fired – Revenge
    I was made “redundant” by a company who pretended to go through a process – or unfairly dismissed as the tribunal chairman said. I put the judgement on the internet as a fine example of what not to do. Try and if you want to chat about anything I am more than happy to help. Regards Steven