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Employee Survey Response Rates


My organisation has just completed an employee survey. The survey was conducted online (web hosted using a company that specialises in survey design).

We are now evaluating the results. To help us understand our survey completion rate, could anyone else let me know what their experiences have been? We achieved a 76% completion rate for a first time survey. I would very much like to benchmark with other organisations.

Jo House

3 Responses

  1. good result
    over 70% is generally a fantastic result for online surveys in organisations. I often use SurveyMonkey to do things like this and in an organisation of 10000 I would tend to get a 40% response rate from my samples.

  2. Happy to share my experience
    Hi Jo

    I usually conduct employee surveys by e-mail just prior to a seminar and usually get 99% response.

    I guess it depends on the circumstances and the subject matter, as well as the design of the survey, but it souns like you did pretty well.

    Best wishes


  3. right up my street

    This is my kind of question. I’ve helped design loads of employee surveys over the last few years. It’s my core business. Your 76% response rate is indeed excellent – especially as its your first time and the staff have nothing but your promises of action to base their particpation on.

    Benchmarks will differ by sector, by research methodology and by the structure of your organisation (one site vs global as an etreme difference). Happy to discuss in more detail if you like